Chapter 2

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Speaking to Wesley had made us both late to our class and we snuck into the back with a disapproving glare from our instructor, a human man whose introduction we had missed. He began the Warp Theory class and soon we were all immersed in its complexities.

The class was fascinating. Wesley had no trouble keeping up and we often had whispered discussions about the material. It was no time at all until the class was finished and the students began to pack up in preparation for the next class.

"Class dismissed!", our instructor barked our before calling, "Cadets Valore, Crusher, stay behind".

I looked glumly to Wesley who promptly pulled a face making a small smile come to mine. When the remainder of the cadets had filed out of the room, we stepped forward to the professor's desk. "Tardiness is not accepted" he began before Wesley cut him off.

"Permission to speak, sir?"

The professor peered at him curiously before inclining his head, "You may speak Cadet Crusher"

Wesley took a slow breath before speaking. "Cadet Valore was assisting me to find the room. I am yet to memorise the academy layout. Her tardiness is completely my fault, sir."

"I had heard of your transfer from the Enterprise" the professor said drifting off in thought. I gasped softly looking to Wesley. He studied aboard the Enterprise?! It was the prize ship of the fleet and an honour to serve aboard.

"Very well cadets, you are dismissed, but do not be tardy to my class again."

We left quickly before the professor could change his mind.

I approached Wesley excited upon leaving the Warp Theory class. "You studied aboard the Enterprise?!" I asked enthusiastically.

A beaming grin appeared on his face as he began to animatedly talk about his adventures on the Enterprise. As he spoke, the Enterprise sounded more and more like the dream ship that I wanted to serve on.

As we neared the engineering section of the academy, Wesley stopped and turned to me, suddenly serious.

"I would appreciate if you didn't tell anyone about my being on the Enterprise", he began, "it tends to bring a lot of expectations".

I nodded my understanding and mimicked zipping my lips shut. He broke out in a grin before turning to wave as he headed off to search for his propulsion and aerodynamic flight class and I entered room D19 to study Advanced Propulsion Systems.


Barely a week had passed since the academic year had begun and word had spread about Wesley and the Enterprise. While he basked in his new-found fame, our friendship only grew stronger despite my less than popular status. Wesley joined the Nova Squadron flight team and spent a lot of his time with that group preparing for the end of year graduation flight in the next few months before our cadet placement programs began.

Through all of this, my course work load started to become heavier and I struggled under the mass of assignments and tests. My two classes with Wesley, Advanced Quantum Warp Theory and Final Year Gym, were a welcome relief as his kind nature helped ease my stresses.

Pulling myself from my thoughts, I strode out of the locker room and into the three-hour gym class. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to my left to see no one there. With a playful scowl on my face I turned back and to my right to see a grinning Wesley standing there.

"You have to stop doing that!" I huffed.

Wesley simply laughed before throwing an arm over my shoulder as we walked over to the rock-climbing station that we were assigned to today. We quickly donned our harnesses and started to climb, racing each other like usual to the top. Lucky for me, the academies yearly gym class had kept me at a decent fitness level, whereas Wesley was still trying to keep up with the intense level required.

I was about three quarters of the way up the wall when I looked back to see Wesley only about halfway. I smiled before turning back to the wall and reaching up for the next peg.

Suddenly sirens started to go off in the gym room and I slowly felt my body become lighter. With the sirens ear piercing noise in my ears, I looked down to see cadets starting to float all around the room. My confusion was reduced when a voice came over the intercom, momentarily overriding the alert siren tones.

"Yellow alert, zero gravity activated in gym room gamma three".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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