Depression[part I]

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Hey would ya look at that, it's Reed900. Who woulda thunk it?

No one thought anything of Gavin not showing up to work one day. That was practically routine. But when one day, turned into two, turned into ten, Fowler got angry.

"Goddamn it! My best detective is fucking blowing off work! Fuckin Reed..." Fowler fumed. "I'm sorry, but I still don't understand why I'm here." Conan spoke in a monotone voice. "I called you in because you're his partner. I want you to go check on him. Make sure he's not dead." Fowler explained. Conan stood up and made his way to the door. "Got it, Captain. I'll make sure Reed's not dead. Although, I wouldn't care if he is." He whispered that last part as he shut the door behind him.

{at gavin's house}

Gavin lied beneath the thick layer of blankets as he blasted depressing songs in his headphones at volumes that surely couldn't be good for his hearing. He'd been there for days, only getting up to get food, go to the bathroom, or feed his cats. He didn't know why, but one day his malignant depression spiked and now all he wanted to do was die. So, he hid under a mountain of fabric and music for days.

{on the street}

I've tried calling Gavin multiple times but it seems he has either blocked me or is manually rejecting my calls.

Conan walks down the street towards Gavin's apartment complex as it rains on him. He couldn't care less that his clothes were getting soaked or that his hair was now stuck to his forehead. He was determined to get to Gavin.

Once he got to Gavin's apartment, he knocked on the door.


Over the loud music, Gavin heard a knock on his front door. He decided that if they really needed to talk to him, they'd bust the door down. Sure enough, that's what he heard not even a minute later.


Gavin wouldn't come to the door after three knocks, each more violent than the last, so Conan decided what he had to do.

[X] Break the door down
[O] Leave


[{Software Instability^}]

Conan rammed his foot into the door, causing it to swing open violently. He walked in and scanned the small living room. Nothing but a few overturned photo frames seemed to be of import.

Investigate photos?

[X] Investigate
[O] Leave alone


[{Software Instability^}]

Conan walked over to one of the pictures and turned it over so he could scan it. There were two two teenagers and two adults.

[Teenager #1]

Name: Gavin Reed(alive)

Born: October 7, 2002

Parents: Mary Reed(mother, deceased), Richard Reed(father, deceased)

Siblings: Elijah Kamski(half brother, alive)

"Gavin is related to Elijah Kamski?" Conan thought to himself.

[Teenager #2]

Name: Elijah Kamski(alive)

Born: July 17, 2002

Parents: Rose Kamski(mother, alive), Richard Reed(father, deceased)

Siblings: Gavin Reed(half brother, alive)

Conan turned that photo back over before he scanned the parents as he could already tell who they were. He walked over to a picture that didn't have a frame and scanned that.

It was a Polaroid, taken in 2018, of Gavin and Elijah in a park. Gavin had his head turned away from the camera and appeared to be mid eye roll, whereas Elijah appeared to be laughing while trying to get Gavin to turn his head with one hand. It was quite adorable, in Conan's opinion.

There was another Polaroid underneath that one, this one taken in 2019, still of Gavin and Elijah. In this one, Gavin was laughing while Elijah looked mildly annoyed with the whipped cream all over his face. Conan noticed that the scar on Gavin's nose was absent in this photo, meaning that the incident that caused it happened after the photo was taken.

Conan heard shuffling and looked towards the hallway to see Gavin standing there with a blanket around himself. "The fuck are you doing with those?" Gavin ripped the Polaroids out of Conan's hands and hid them in a drawer. "I didn't know you were related to Elijah Kamski." Gavin went pale. "Shut up, tin can. We don't talk about that piece of shit here." Gavin's voice was laced with venom. What happened between him and Kamski for them to change from the two laughing teens in the pictures into two bitter adults that resent each other? "My apologies, Detective." Conan looked at the floor. "Yeah, yeah. Why are you even here?"

Gavin walked into the kitchen. "You haven't come to work in ten days. I came to see if you were okay." Conan explained. "Well, I'm alive. I'm not so sure about 'okay' but..." Gavin trailed off. "What was that, Detective?" Conan asked. "Nothin'" Gavin retorted. Conan didn't believe him, so he scanned Gavin. He appeared to be showing symptoms of depression. "Are you depressed, Detective?" Conan asked and noticed that Gavin's stress levels rose. "What does it matter?" Gavin said as he opened his refrigerator. He pulled out a bottle of coffee creamer and proceeded to start making a coffee.

While the coffee was brewing, Conan tried to get answers out of Gavin.

Activate interrogation mode?

[X] Yes
[O] No


[{Software Instability^}]

"Gavin, what's wrong?" Conan tried to sound as sympathetic as he could. Gavin looked up upon hearing his name. "I dunno." He mumbled. "Gavin." Conan said softly, yet sternly as he grabbed the smaller mans hand. "What is wrong?" Conan asked again. Gavin caved in and answered. "I'm depressed, I guess." Gavin mumbled as he pulled his hand from the android's grasp. "Is there anything I could do to help, Gavin?"

[{Software Instability^}]

Gavin stayed silent for a long time before finally speaking up. "You could stay for a while." He spoke softly. "That would help?" Conan asked. "Yes." Gavin blushed as he looked at his hands. "Then I'll stay for a while." Conan smiled.

Hi this is just part one of what I've already written, so there's a part two on the way don't worry boo I gotchu covered

Edit: I fixed some inconsistencies such as Gavin putting the Polaroids in a drawer and then setting them down in the kitchen. Sry for being a sims dev

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