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Hey guys! New story, finally! :) Hope you all like it- let me know what you think of it.

The video on the side is "Amnesia" by The Tubes. Check it out, maybe?

xx Katie

*This story is Copyrighted 2014. All characters are of my own imagination, so please don't steal them. Thanks!*


“I just really wish she would wake up,” I heard someone say in a teary voice. A guy.

“I know you do. We all feel the same way,” someone else said. This was a girl. She was definitely crying.

“Why her though? She doesn’t deserve this. We were both in the accident. Why couldn’t it have been me instead?”

“This world is a sick and twisted place. Clara wouldn’t want you to worry. She would probably suggest that we go get ice cream and talk about our feelings.”

“I don’t want to leave her, though.”

I tried to open my eyes but couldn’t. I had so many questions. Who were these people? Who was Clara? Who was I?

I realized that I was getting nowhere with opening my eyes and gave up. I couldn’t hear the people anymore. I couldn’t hear anything.

At some point, I heard the voices again. I’m not sure how long it had been since the last time I had heard them.

“The doctors say that she might wake up soon. They’re seeing a little bit of progress in her recovery,” the girl said.

“They’ve been saying that for a week,” the boy replied. “I miss her. This isn’t fair!”

“The universe doesn’t care about “fair”, in case you haven’t noticed.”

“I’ve noticed. But thank you for pointing it out.”

After that, I couldn’t hear anything. It felt like an eternity before I could hear them again.

“We were going to travel the world. We were going to go to France and England and Germany and Australia and Japan. We had so many plans. We talked about the future all the time. It didn’t scare her at all. She had it all planned out. We were going to get married and have kids and build a life together.”

“She always told me how much she loved you. You were her everything. You still are. She’ll wake up and say something like, “Let’s go to the beach and look for shells!” as if nothing out of the ordinary had ever happened.” The girl laughed sadly.

It was usually just the boy and the girl who were there, but one time there was a woman, all by herself, talking.

“You know I love you, right honey? We all do. Your father and your sister and I all miss you so much. Everyone misses you like crazy.” She stopped for a moment, crying too hard to continue. “I hope you can hear me. God, Clara, please wake up. For me, for your dad, for Madeline, for Josh. Oh God, Clara- Josh. I practically had to drag him out of here. He won’t leave your side for more than a few minutes. He’s dying without you. Mollie’s here all the time, too. Both of them are. They love you. We love you. I love you. God, Clara, wake up, please, please.”

She dissolved into hysterics and I went back under. That’s what it felt like whenever I stopped being able to hear anything. Like I was being held underwater, drowning. Or like I was being suffocated. It was awful; absolutely horrible.

All I wanted to do was open my eyes for a minute and make sense of things. I was so confused and scared.

The people outside of my little bubble were in worse shape than me, though. They were always crying and talking about “Clara”, whoever she was.

“Clara, Clara, if you can hear me, I just want you to know how much I love you,” the boy said. “I know we fight sometimes and I’m sorry, so, so sorry. I love you so much. Please wake up, Clara. Just wake up. Squeeze my hand if you can hear me, Clara. I love you, Clara, just squeeze my hand, please, please, please. Just open your eyes for a second. I just want to see your eyes one last time, Clara. Oh God, your beautiful eyes.”

Was I Clara? Was he talking to me? Either way, I wanted to open my eyes. I wanted to see the boy. I wanted to see anything. I was sick of the darkness. I concentrated on opening my eyes, focusing all of my energy towards it. All at once, my vision was flooded with light. It was so bright and blinding that I almost wanted to go back to the darkness.

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