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Kim’s POV

“I don’t know Rachel, I really care for Sam. It’s just not the same way he cares for me. I really enjoy spending time with him but it’s doesn’t feel right you know?”

I was talking to Rachel about how Sam and I just didn’t feel right. Well, at least not the way it felt when I was with Lucas. I know I have been telling myself that Lucas and I would never work. He sleeps around and has that bad boy rep. But there’s this pull I feel towards him and it only gets stronger when I’m around him it is extremely hard to ignore.

“I understand. If you tell him he won’t be mad. Sam is very understanding, that’s one of the reasons I like hanging around him so much. He’s very calm and I have never seen him hurt a fly. He is just so nice.”

She said with a certain gleam in her eyes that hinted to something I couldn’t figure out quite yet.

My phone rang and I picked it up.


“Hey Kim, are you busy right now?”

“No. What’s up?”

“I was wondering if we could meet at the park around the corer from your house?”

Sam sounded a little upset and nervous.

“Sam, are you alright?”

“Who me? Yeah. Everything is great. Can you meet me there?”

“Yeah sure!”

“Alright, see you there.”


I hung up and turned to Rachel. She was looking at me expectantly.

“I’m very sorry Rachel, but I have to go. How about we reschedule?”

I asked rather sheepishly.

Rachel began to giggle and to nod her head.

“It’s fine, text me later.”


With that I left and headed towards the park.

“Hey Sam!”

I walked up to him and gave him a kiss in the cheek. Sam did the same and we went to sit down on the nearest bench.

“Listen Kim, we need to talk.”

I knew what he was going to ay, so before he said it I began to speak.

“Sam, I know what you’re going to say.”

“How do you know?”

“Well… Because, I kind of have been wanting to talk to you about it as well…”

I smiled sheepishly.

“Alright so than let me say it to you and then you can say it to me and it can end up as a mutual break up so it won’t be as bad as saying that either one of us got dumped.”


“Listen Kim. The day I met you, I developed a crush on you. I somehow mustered up the courage to ask you out. When you said yes, it was like a dream come true. I got all excited and stuff. But when we began to date I realized it wasn’t the same. I mean I still cared for you, but only like a friend and what I was hoping that we could still be friends?”

Thank God he wanted to just be friends. I wanted the same.

“That’s fine by me Sam, but there is one thing that is bothering me.”

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