Food... Just Food...

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Hi. It me. haha Well, I am back, but bad news awaits at the end of the chapter...

Also, please keep commenting on the chapter with the competition in it! It would mean the world!


Ian's POV

Well, I guess we better go get some food...

We walked out of my house and took my car, David could go and get his later. We strapped ourselves in and David reached for the radio, turning it on as I started the car.

Music blared out through the speakers as I pulled out of my drive and headed down the road towards the highway.

David's POV

So apparently we are actually just going to drive around looking for something to catch our eyes, but I had an idea from the start, Chipotle.

Chipotle had (and still has) a big place in my heart as it was just the one place I could pig out without feeling like a fat ass.

As we were driving up the road I knew there was a Chipotle near, so I made Ian turn left.

Sure enough, we found it, but there was one problem...

There was fans...

A lot of fans...

Like 75 screaming girls standing outside as we pulled up.

"Shit." said Ian. "This isn't going to go well."

"Well, we can hold hands and get through it, can't we?" I said, comfortingly.

"They don't know about us though, just our little ship." Ian looked worried, he knew that the girls would know about Iancorn and probably ship it, so this was going to be nice and awkward.

"Ok... on the count of three, we get out of the car. One.... Two... Three."

Ian mumbled three as we got out of the car, looking at all the girls. They ran over, NEARLY squashing us, but one girl stopped them, but I didn't catch her name.

"Hey guys what are you doing?" she shouted getting in between us and them. "Give them some space to breathe, god!"

Ian's POV

That girl was a lifesaver, she literally stopped us from being eaten alive.

I tapped her on the back and she spun round.

"Thanks." I whispered so only she could here.

"Your welcome." She whispered back, smiling at me and David. "My dad works with Vidcon's security."

That figured. She was sure good at controlling a crowd.

"Ok so how's about this for a plan?" David shouted to the girls. "We sign and take pictures and talk to you guys and stuff, and then we can go and eat some food. Does that sound cool?"

The girls all nodded and shouted yes and the turmoil begun, with the girl helping control the line.

It wasn't long before we were all done and all the girls were happy, so we could go and eat.

We finally entered Chipotle to find all of the customers looking at us, obviously wondering why the hell so many teenage girls wanted to talk to us. But I had learnt what to say,

"YouTube." I said.

Everyone then rolled their eyes and wished us luck in the future, and we ordered our food.

We sat down and started to eat, finally happy that we could eat and then it dawned on me, did I let my 'gay' side slip when we were signing. I don't want me and David going on 'tumblr' later to find that it is swamped with today's pictures.

I looked out of the window, hoping to see something interesting, but instead I saw that girl. The one who had helped us out, all alone.

"Hey, David. That girl's out there all by herself, why isn't she with those other girls?"

David looked up and saw her, and he looked at me and said, "We need to thank her properly, and spend some time with her because 1) she's all by herself bless her, and 2) she literally saved us from certain death."

"I agree. We'll go say hi after we've finished our food." I replied, smiling.

We finished our food and then got up, walking outside and towards the girl, who was now sitting alone across the street on a bench. She looked so sad, like none of those girls were her friends.

We crossed and started to walk towards the bench. She saw us and got us, dusting herself down and offering us the seat as we stopped by her.

"Thanks, but hey, you sit down too!" David said, in his sweet voice that I loved.

"Thanks for coming over here guys. I really appreciate what you do for me." she started, smiling from ear to ear.

"Aww you're very welcome. We just make videos. Anyways, we came over here to thank you personally," I said, smiling myself now, "but as bad as this sounds I'm still going to have to ask it, what's your name?"

Another short-ish chapter done! I feel epic now!

Ok, so the bad news, I'm not going to be posting a new chapter until Monday or Tuesday, as I'm going to say with my nan for a bit, as you do.

My nan doesn't have Internet, so I don't know how I'm going to survive really.

I'm still going to be writing though, just on the notes app thingy.

The competition closes on August 3rd at 5pm London time still, so get commenting!

Until then, I love you guys and I'll see you soon!


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