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the vast snowy mountain range spread out in front of Kane as he peered through the mask that obscured his face. He breathed in the cold fresh air that the high altitude provided, he let his cloak billow out behind him in the brisk wind that whipped its way round he peaks he stood on.

Kane's hand readjusted the mask, taking hold of it from the chin out of habit rather than needing to adjust it. A splash of crimson stained the otherwise white mask as did three strokes of black tracing his cheek bone beneath before angling sharply down to to his jaw.

Rocks crumbled under his booted foot as he stood staring at the rising sun of the eastern lands, Easlstein. Kane's short blonde hair thrashed about as did is dark hood that completed his mysterious appearance. Beneath his dark cloak Kane wore a white cotton tunic that was held close to his chest my a velvet green waistcoat trimmed in subtle yellow on its hem.

He wore long pin striped trousers like the customary Bylun Pirate tribes, Kane waited for the sun to crest the blue shimmering horizon, letting the wind whip is eloquent clothes around.

"look Fae, isn't it beautiful!" Kane yelled over the roar of the wind.

A tired and huffing Fae stumbled into Kane as she finished climbing to Kane's side, her mask sat on the side of her face leaving her azure eyes to sparkle in the morning glory. Her red lips parting as she breathed heavily the air of the mountains cringing slightly as the cold bit her lungs.

"yes it is, and I'm sure that it's even more beautiful if you've had five minutes to rest and feel refreshed for it." Fae huffed.

"My dear Fae, was that a rebuke?"

"yes, it bloody well was, why didn't you help me?" Fae growled as her breath levelled.

"I didn't think you would of liked a display of egotistical arrogance. You know those women back in Haverfest told me that men and women were equal and that men should allow women to do things on their own instead of assuming they need help." Kane said eloquently as his hands gestured through the air as he took a dramatic bow, his lips curling into a sly smile.

"oh shut it, you've never had a problem with being egotistical or arrogant, in fact if you weren't either of those things you would have no personality." Fae brushed past him, her own lips twisting upwards.

"you praise me too highly My dear Fae, you'll make me blush if you aren't careful." Kane jested.

"come on, we can make it halfway through if we keep going., maybe further if you quit flapping your gums." Fae laughed.

"As you desire my lady."

Kane admired Fae as she picked her way through the rocky ground without losing the sway of her hips. Like Kane she wore a cloak with a hood, though hers barely extended below the small of her back, her hood was also down allowing her silky brown hair to drape over her shoulders.

Her mask was white with purple stars dotted around with orange clouds, she wore long boots that reached her knees and a pink low cut tunic, she like Kane, wore a waist coat that hung upen along a clear view of her cleavage.

"Fae, slow down, I cant keep up." Kane wailed at the wind.

"quit your whining, I want to get to an inn by tomorrow." Fae called back as she trudged onwards unearthing rubble as she went.

"you wont be able to keep the pace up, you'll be tired later and slow our progress." Kane reasoned.

"don't worry about me, Kane just worry about yourself it's what yoru best at." Fae joked, instantly she regretted it she was tired and irritable. And she was still in a mood from seeing Kane charm the women of Haverfest, two of them were practically drooling over him. She batted away the memory and the jealous feeling that swelled with it.

Kane kept quiet, a sign that the comment had hurt.

Fae stomped her foot on the rocky gravel of the mountain path and lost her footing, Fae's centre of gravity fell forwards and she let out a small squeak of surprise.

Rough hands grabbed hold of her by the waist and hauled her light body back up. Kane turned her around enough so their eyes met, and whisked her legs making her clutch her arms around his neck as he swept her into his arms, Fae's breath had become heavy again as had Kane's.

"i didn't need your help." Fae mumbled.

"i know" Kane mumbled back.

They eyes lingered on one another before Kane coughed and gentle let her get her feet back on the ground. Fae straightened imaginary creases from her closes as they lingered in a moment of awkwardness.

"well, um, best be getting a move on if you want that inn tomorrow." Kane muttered as he began walking again.

"yeah, right."

"your paying."

"huh? Why, Kane why!" Fae whined.

"as gratitude for my saving you from a most ungraceful fall." Kane leapt out of the way of Fae's quick swipe at him.

They settled into a a quiet march as the day wore on, eagles soared through the sky, twisting and swerving through the clouds, Kane watched and listened to the world around him, vultures circled over heard for a few hours in the heat of the day, though the bitterly cold winds cut short the heat of the sun.

Kane's hand came to rest on the hilt of his sword for the twelfth time that day Kane made a conscious effort to remove his hand from the hilt and to keep it away. He let the itching feeling of being followed ease away to the recesses of his mind, but never to far, his hand stayed close to his sword no matter how hard he tried to keep it at bay.

Glancing at Fae he saw she too was having trouble keeping her hand from her weapon, a look of unease passed between them as night descended.

"Lets make camp by that ridge, it will keep the wind from our backs." Kane shouted as the wind threatened to blow them away.

Their paranoia was aflame as the feeling of being watched washed over both of them, they itched with anticipation of a confrontation, neither was nervous they had fought too many skilled opponents to be truly scared, but they didn't let their guard down dispute their experience.

Nodding Fae led the way to the ridge before the dying light of the evening gave way to the dead of night.

HarlequinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora