Chapter 2

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The small snowy village had one Inn, a large and cosy place, with a roaring fire that was surrounded by several leather chairs.

The Inn was called Wild Oak, and it happened that the building was built from oak. The eloquent banister swept up the stairs spiralling as it ascended, a lush red carpet decorated the middle of the stairs unfolding just short of the large front doors.

A desk sat to the left of the Inn's entrance, Kane and Fae walked silently up to it, Fae still raged, quietly and composed though she was.

"Ah, the Harlequin's I've heard about, how may I bee of service?" the young receptionist said smiling up at them from her chair.

"our reputation precedes us, we would much like a room for the night, and a bath also a meal before our show tonight." Kane smiled sweetly back, his voice helped her see the smile that was hidden.

"we have several rooms available, would you be requiring two separate or are you a couple?" she asked jotting details down for their bill.



Kane and Fae answered, Kane held a hand to his chest in mock pain, which gleaned a small giggle from the receptionist.

"that will be, one hundred and twelve Sterlings" the lady smiled up at the pair.

"we don't have that, we barely have forty." Fae gagged at the prospect of losing her bed for the night after looking forward to it for days.

"ah, that will be a problem then"

"how about we skip the meal, how much will that bring it down?" kane asked, a small chuckle in his tone.

"um, that would make it ninety four sterlings. Sorry"

Kane glanced at fae, her composed features had begun to show signs of anger, her cheeks reddened in fury at Kane breaking his promise of a bed.

"and without the bath?"

"seventy eight."

again Kane's eyes went unbidden to Fae, a slight concern trembled through him as he turned back to the receptionist.

"and if we had a bedroom together?"

"eighty three, it's more expensive than two singles as they are generally more lustrous." the lady apologised.

"ah, yes, well I didn't expect that um me, um.."


"Claire, wonderful name, I couldn't think of one that would fit with your beauty but it fits you like a kiss. You see Claire we are a bit strapped for Sterling at the moment as you may well of just noticed. And as this is the only establishment that offers housing for travellers such as ourselves would you be willing to lower your rates this once?" Kane said quietly into her ear as he leaned inappropriately close to her.

"i can only lower it to sixty sterlings. That's all, I'm sorry." Claire blushed, obviously entranced by Kane, she followed his lips despite only seeing his mask.

"I am going to kill you" Fae oozed a electric aura that Kane took as a sign of oddly displayed affection, trying to ignore the threat and the situation.

"oh look an apothecary, seeing as we wouldn't be spending our money on an inn lets have a look." Kane quickly sidetracked.

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