Tord x SMR

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Requested by Ketsuki5865. Enjoy.

Tord's army got bigger. Lately he had problems with taking care of all the work so he figured out he needed and assistance. He promoted the best of his soldiers, Y/n L/n. He was in the army for years and knew all the aspects of controlling the other soldiers. In Tord's eyes he had the biggest potential, not to mention he was hot.

It wasn't long before Y/n started making his advances towards Tord. At first he was reluctant and rejected him all the time but seeing Y/n still caring for him was heartwarming. Tord stopped pushing him away. They went out on the first date and they didn't even notice when they started planning the wedding.

-Such a sexy sleepyhead. – smiled Tord as he watched over him in the morning.

Tord woke up few minutes ago and couldn't fall back asleep. He kissed Y/n's forehead and chuckled when Y/n turned on his stomach. Tord blushed when he noticed his scratched back. The previous night was very eventful and steamy. He kissed Y/n's temple and crawled out of the bed. He went to the kitchen and started preparing the breakfast.

He felt nauseous during the cooking. He put the food on the plates and set them on the tray. He poured some juice in two glasses and carried the tray to the bedroom. He smiled seeing Y/n was already awake. He rubbed his eyes and sat up.

-Morning honey. – smiled Tord and set the tray in Y/n's lap.

-Morning. – Y/n kissed Tord's cheek and they got to eating.

After the meal Y/n washed the dishes while Tord was showering. When he stepped out of the shower he felt the nausea coming back. This time he puked. His stomach hurt and he kept of puking. He thought some food was old and that's why he was throwing up. He brushed his teeth after the puking and got dressed. Then he plopped on the couch.

-Are you feeling okay? – he asked. – I think the food was old.

-Nah, I'm fine. – answered Y/n. – On the other hand you know I have an iron stomach.

-Right. – nodded Tord and whined a bit for Y/n to take care of him.

Y/n took the hint and cuddled him and when he was puking he was rubbing Tord's stomach to make it feel better.

Time skip

The nausea and the pains in Tord's stomach kept on striking for the whole week. Tord and Y/n decided it was the moment to go and see the doctor. Tord got in the car slowly and Y/n drove to the hospital. Then Y/n registered Tord in the hospital while he went to the bathroom to puke again. The doctor took them both to the office and checked the symptoms. The doctor decided to do an ultrasonography to check what was happening.

-I see a little tumor in your stomach. – said the doctor.

-Are you telling me I have a cancer or something? – panicked Tord.

-Let me run some tests first.

The doctor took the blood sample from Tord and took it to the lab. When Tord and Y/n were alone in the office Y/n wrapped his arms around Tord. He broke down in tears nuzzling Y/n's neck. Y/n wanted to cry too but he knew he had to be strong for his lover. The doctor came back in the office half an hour later with a relieved smile on his face.

-You're not sick. – he said. Tord and Y/n let out a relived sighs. – But you will have to take care of yourself a lot during those nine months ahead of you two.

-Why? – asked puzzled Tord.

-You're pregnant. – smiled the doctor and explained to them how was it that possible. Then he gave them a prescription for some vitamins and they were allowed to go home.

Time skip

Nine months later Tord went into labor. The doctors performed the C-section and this way Tord's little boy come to the world. He fell asleep under the narcosis so Y/n was the one who held the baby. Y/n lulled their son to sleep and waited for Tord to wake up. He smiled when he saw him stir.

-Hey babe. – said Y/n and kissed his cheek. – Good job.

-Show him to me. – answered Tord and looked at the baby. – He'll be handsome.

-I'm his father, of course he will be handsome. – grinned Y/n. Tord only chuckled and kissed his cheek. – I love you.

-I love you too.

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