Dear Sonic

351 31 20

Don't mind me, friendly neighbor hood author here just publishing a bunch of chapters as an apology for not writing anything for a month


Dear Iida,

yeah, I know your name, it's not that hard to remember. Anyways, I don't think you'll read this either, honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you and the rest just threw these notes away, it's not like they mean anything to you.

In all seriousness, please look after our classmates. I want you to be the one to save them from the League of Villains, or anyone who wants to hurt them, in my stead. I'm just asking, but I know you're already doing this.

Sorry for doubting you.

Anyways, I'm really sorry for making you save me from the LoV, I know it was a real bother, you didn't have to do that, but thanks for it anyway.

Now that I think about it, if I wasn't saved, All Might would probably be dead and I probably would've joined the LoV, so now I get why you saved me. How did I not think of this?

So, Class president, do what you think is right, get revenge for your brother, make new friends, get stronger, for me at least. Though that wouldn't really motivate you.

I bet Uraraka, Midoriya, Red, Kaminari, Mina, and the rest of class 1-A would be willing to help you, so do that. I shouldn't be telling you this, but I really respect you.

You somehow were able to keep calm in the worst of situations and made sure the class stayed together, I find that very manly. God, I sound like Red. Ha.

Gosh, what do I say now? You are always strong, you probably don't appreciate this stupid flimsy note, but I feel obligated to at least write something, even if you don't care about it.

Thanks for putting up with my shitty attitude, and look, I've barely cursed this entire letter, aren't you proud? Ha ha, no.

I hope you the best of luck at being a hero, or better, the number one hero! Try to do that for me, please.

Signed, your classmate and friend

Dear best friendTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang