Chapter 2: The call

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Alice's P.O.V


Alice: Lily is that you?!
Lily: yes but I-
Alice: where are you?
Lily: no time I need to tell you something!
Alice: that is?
Lily: they know that your the daughter of the overlord and that your part Oni, part drangon
Alice: who told them?
Lily: I don't know but there coming
Alice: when? where? how? why? what? who?
Lily: I don't have much time Alice! there gonna find out that i'm not a true Oni
Alice: but Lily your just like me! they will except you like they did with m-
Lily: why do you think they got rid of you?
Alice: no they told me-
Lily: Alice look at me!

it can't be true. My father was ther- that's why. when my father got destroyed they told me I wasn't a true Oni so I would have to find who I was... but now I understand they never wanted me. it was my father that would kill them if they threw me out.

Lily: Alice you know as well as I do want there gonna do when they find out your still alive
Alice: Lily my father was there leader, wait do you guys have a leader?
Lily: ever since the overlord died no...
Alice: they want me as there leader?
Lily: you have to get ready because in a few month or days they are coming and they will not stop until they find there new leader..
???: Alice
Lily: you must tell anyone you hold
???: Alice!
Lily: dear to help you
???: ALICE!
Lily: go prepare yourself from them!

then everything went black and I could here the Oni's voice

Lloyd: Alice wake up!
Alice: *goes back to reality* huh Lloyd?
Lloyd: what happened?!
Alice: I-I don't know
Lloyd: did anything happened?

Hey guy I am making the next chapter short like really short because why not


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