Stay awake (dreams only last for a night)

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Jeremy Mckinnon P.O.V 

I can't believe how horribly people are treating Tony and Mike just for being gay. It makes no sense to me how people who claim they get judged so much judge their "heros" so easily. It makes me sick really, how could you judge someone for somethong so fucking stupid?

They hated it so much that Tony ended up getting hospitalized. I made a post on twitter about it so did some other friends of theirs and it seems to have slowed down but not stopped. I know that Tony used to cut and have really bad depression and I can't let that happen again.

I feel like we need to find a way to cheer both of them up without getting them hammered. I'll have to talk to my band members and everyone else on the tour. We have a day off tomorrow so maybe we can figure something out.

Tony P.O.V

THe guys have been acting weird around me and Mike lately....Lot's of giggling? Something is up but I honestly don't care I have bigger things to worry about like our "fans" being homophobic. This is really a lot to take in, most of them are defending us but there are some thet are still saying horrible things.

It's hurtful to say the least. It makes me feel like shit for being born this way.... well I wasn't born this way Mike made me this way. But I love him and nothing will change that EVER! He is everything i've ever wanted and more and I know with him around everything will be okay.

He makes me feel like no one ever has, he makes me feel alive. I decided to go get some fresh air to clear my head. As I was stepping off the bus I felt a shove and a bag being placed over my head. I then felt somone tying my hands up. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!

Mike P.O.V

I was in my bunk reading harry potter when I heard the bu door open and close. The only person that was on the bus was Tony....He must be going for a walk to clear his head. I decided to join him so I got out of my bunk and slipped my black vans on and walked outside.

As soon as I stepped out I felt a bag being placed over my head and my hands were being tied....really kidnapping? Just one more thing to add to my shitty life. I felt someone muscular pick me up and place me in a... trunk? Typical kidnapping, I just hope they don't rape me i'm to pretty to get raped.

Maybe they're going to rape me because i'm pretty! Calm the fuck down Mike think rationally, you're not going to get raped! My conscience is right i'm not going to get raped. I felt the car start to move and I went flying into something.

THe something groaned! Holy shit It's a trunk monster! Mike! Okay there is someone else in this trunk with me, I decided to find out who it was. "Hello?" I asked my voice shakey. "Mike?" Oh my god it's Tony!

"Tony! What the fuck is going on, I thought you were a trunk monster!" I said letting out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. "A trunk monster, really? We're being kidnapped and that's what you were worried about?" He said sounding annoyed.

"Why are we being kidnapped we never did anything!" I screetched. I have no fucking clue! I'm just as scared as you are but we need to think of a plan. Are your legs tied?" He asked. "No are yours?" I asked. "Yes I think I have a plan" he said

"What is it?" I asked eager Tony's plans always work. "Okay when they open the trunk start kicking rapidly." He said. "Okay" I said agreeing to his plan. After what seemed like hours the car came to a stop and the trunk was opened. I jumped out and started kicking until I felt my foot collide with something.

The thing groaned in pain so it was a person. The bag was all of a sudden taken off my head and I looked around to find my other band members. The reast of the tour was standing there too, and Josh from you me at six was on the ground holding his balls.

Found out what I kicked. We were standing in the parking lot of...disney world? Okay I'm officially confused. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled. "We were trying to find a way to cheer you and Tony up so we brought you to disney world" Jeremy said.

"So you thought asking us was to normal so you had to fucking kidnap us?" I asked "We wanted to suprise you" Neil said. "Okay well fuck you all you scared us shitless!" Tony said just now joining the conversation.

"Okay well lets go have fun!" Josh from A day to remember said Helping other Josh up. "Sorry about your nuts Josh" I said patting his back. "It's fine" He said back in a slightly higher pitched voice than normal.

Were friends with some fucking nutheads but that's why we love them.........

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