A Promise is a Promise (Chapter 4) Confusion

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The two boys stood out on the balcony again that evening. It was a beautiful starry night, and the full moon shone brightly in the sky, but the atmosphere seemed to hang heavy between them. The silence wasn't broken until Alois spoke up.

"Why?" he said softly.

Ciel looked up. "Hm?"

"Why did you come with me on the boat when you knew you would get sick?" Alois asked, turning to face him. The anguish was clear on his face. He had obviously been beating himself up about the matter.

"You've been worrying about that the whole time?" Ciel said, turning too. "Look, what happened was my own fault-"

Alois cut him off. "But you did it for me, didn't you?! Because of that stupid promise..." The tears that had been forming in Alois's eyes spilt over.

"Don't be stupid, I-" Ciel began, but realized it was the truth.

Alois looked down. "I always cause trouble for everyone, don't I? Ever since my parents died, I've been treated as nothing but a nuisance..." He looked up again, and suddenly it was clear to Ciel how sad, broken and lonely he really was, despite the mask he always put up.

Alois wiped his eyes on his sleeve. "If only I hadn't gotten myself so damn stinking drunk the other night-" he was cut off by Ciel grabbing him, and pulling him down into a tight hug.

His chin buried in Alois's shoulder, Ciel burst out, "Idiot! That has nothing to do with my getting sick, so stop blaming yourself! I came with you because I wanted..." He blushed. Where was this coming from? He would never talk like this usually. "...I wanted to be with you." he finished, confused. The thoughts in his head were spinning round and round. Why was he saying all this? It didn't make sense. Unless... could he actually be falling for this idiot?! No way! Alois stood rigid for a few moments, then he pulled back. Putting his hands on Ciel's shoulders, he leaned forward, and before Ciel had time to register what was happening, he had planted a kiss right on his lips. Ciel was too stunned to move. Alois leaned in again, and after a minute, Ciel put his arms around his neck and kissed him back. The light of the moon enveloped the two figures as they stood there on the balcony, the stars twinkling in the sky above them.


Ciel lay awkwardly in bed that night. Every so often he would glance over at Alois, then look away quickly, blushing. I blush far too easily around him, decided Ciel crossly. Alois picked up on his strange behaviour and blinked at him for a few seconds, then smiled slyly. Snaking an arm round Ciel's back, he grabbed his waist and pulled him towards him. Ciel grunted in surprise. Shifting Ciel's head onto his shoulder, Alois put an arm around him and pulled the covers up around them.

"You better get to sleep. It's an early start tomorrow." he grinned, resting his chin on Ciel's head.

Ciel momentarily thought about protesting, but relented and snuggled in. They slept like that till morning.


"Ugh... I ate too much..." Ciel groaned, flopping backwards onto the grass. As it was another fine day, the boys had decided to go for a picnic in one of the nearby parks, and in a bid to outdo each other Sebastian and Claude had prepared a great deal of food.

Alois laughed. "I told you you would get a stomachache if you ate all those sandwiches! You're going to get fat," he teased.

Ciel sat up. "You are in no position to criticise, you ate at least as much as me! Where do you put it all?" he asked, then started as Alois lay back lazily and conveniently landed in his lap. Alois laughed again, and swung one leg over the other, narrowly avoiding the teapot (which Claude hastily moved out of the way). He reached back and took Ciel's hands. "No idea," he grinned.

They looked up at the sky. "Amazing." Ciel said. "I don't see even a cloud." It was true. The sky was bright blue, and seemed to roll on forever.

Sebastian glanced over at his master, and then looked up too, smiling a little mysteriously to himself.

You know, Ciel thought to himself, I believe this is the most peaceful I've felt since I got here.


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