lips of an angel; taegi

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yoongi was pulled out of his sleep by the incessant ringing of his phone. he really didn't want to answer it, but it may be his boss telling him to come in because there was a problem, again. yoongi hated when his sleep was interrupted due to incompetent people but when yoongi glanced at the caller id and taehyungie <3 flashed across the screen for the fifth time, he knew something wasn't right.

why would he be calling me? and at this hour? yoongi shuffles to an upright position, making sure not to jostle the bed too much and wake his boyfriend up. he rubs the sleep from his eyes and gives a small yawn, stretching his limbs and taking satisfaction in the way that they crackle. as he slips his house shoes onto his feet, his boyfriend gives a whine of discomfort. yoongi pecks him on the cheek and his boyfriend falls back to sleep.

yoongi stumbles his way into the living room and finally answers the call.

“about fucking time,” a sniffle and slurred words were yoongi's greeting. “i've been trying to call you for twenty minutes now, yoonie.” another sniffle and what sounds like a bottle opening.

“tae-taehyungie?” yoongi whispers in disbelief. it had been years since they'd broken up and both agreed they shouldn't be friends either because it would just complicate their feelings even more. yoongi had been dying to hear his name fall from the younger’s lips and to have his wish granted, after years of waiting, yoongi's heart begins to thud the way it does for taehyung, only taehyung.

“yoongi,” taehyung whispers. clinking of glass against glass could be heard and then a liquid filling the glass up. “yoongi, i'm sorry.” sobs. heartbreaking sobs left the pretty mouth of his ex-lover.

“taehyung,” yoongi's hands begin to shake, heart aching for taehyung, arms wanting to wrap themselves around the younger, once more. “taehyung why are you calling so late? it's kinda hard to talk right now.”

yoongi thinks of how his boyfriend could wake up at any given moment and yoongi is not ready for that. they had been fighting lately over taehyung and for the dumbest reasons, in yoongi's opinion. he's not ready for another fight to break out, once he's caught talking to his ex-lover.

“i'm sorry, yoonie, i'm sorry,” taehyung tries to take a deep breath but he ends up choking on more tears; he doesn't even know why he called yoongi. “i just need someone to talk to right now. if it's a problem, i can try to get ahold of jimin-ah.”

yoongi panics. this is the first time in years yoongi has heard the only voice he cares to remember or even listen to, so when he thinks about how taehyung may be feeling rejected slightly, he jumps into action.

“taehyungie,” yoongi let's slip from his lips, the name melting like chocolate. “why are you crying? is everything okay?”

“it's bad, yoonie,” taehyung sighs and pours another glass of wine. “he's leaving me. why are you whispering?”

“i can't be too loud, baby,” yoongi feels the pressure in his chest loosen at the pet name he used to call taehyung. you could say that yoongi still loved taehyung with everything in him and had a tendency of comparing his boyfriend of now to his ex-lover taehyung. “mine's in the next room and tae sometimes i wish he was you, not sometimes, most times.”

“yoongi, he's leaving me because i still love you,” taehyung braved the sentence, feeling his heart buzz with anticipation and longing. it was really nice to hear yoongi's voice. taehyung felt choked up but for a different reason. “love hearing you say my name. it’s nice. miss it. miss you.”

yoongi chokes on a gasp and mumbles an i miss you too before clearing his throat and trying to straighten up his thoughts. “you make me weak, taehyung,” yoongi confessed. “i don't know why, you've always had a way of making me weak and with your sweet angelic voice too.”

taehyung lightly giggled, feeling more drunk by the minute. he knew if he didn't stop drinking, he was going to pass out on yoongi. “yoonie,” taehyung struggled to pour more wine. “'m drunk. he's a fucking dick. i admitted that i still loved you and he went on this big tirade of throwing all the ceramic art pieces you got me, when we were shopping for things to brighten up our apartment. they're all broken.

“i still love you, i'm sorry. i didn't mean for the art pieces to be broken. i still have your love songs you wrote for me. i love you.”

taehyung continued to mumble i love you through the phone and each time he said the phrase, yoongi's heart burned with love and heartache. “we really shouldn't be talking, taehyungie,” the words felt sour in his mouth. he hated them. “you're making it very hard for me to stay here and not do anything stupid.”

“i've been dreaming of you so much, yoongi,” taehyung's voice has a soft purr to it. the kind of dreams taehyung has of yoongi, will not be disclosed to the elder but taehyung always wakes up hot, sweaty, and needy. he had been refusing to do anything with his boyfriend of late, since the reoccuring dreams of yoongi. nobody else could satisfy him like yoongi could. “have you dreamt of me, hyung? come over, we can just talk in person, catch up on each other’s lives.”

as tempting as it was for yoongi to drop everything and see taehyung, he knew it would cause terrible results. yoongi couldn't control himself around the younger, never could. “yes, taehyung, i've dreamt of you too,” yoongi's chest warmed at taehyung's words, not helping his case in the slightest. the dreams yoongi has had of the younger fills him with so much hope, he wants to give in to the pull of taehyung so badly. “you don't know how badly i want to but i can't, my boyfriend's asleep and we've been kind of rocky for awhile. i don't want to give him more of a reason to start a fight.”

“does he know you're talking to me, yoonie?” taehyung didn't want to admit it but he hoped yoongi's boyfriend was listening, listening to how fond yoongi sounded when talking to him. he hoped the other could hear the love pouring from yoongi's voice. yoongi's voice always gave away what he was feeling. “will there be a fight? you're sure he doesn't know?”

“no, i don't think he knows,” yoongi glances back towards the bedroom, hearing soft snores filling the silence. “we would be fighting right now, if he did. i don't have the time or energy for that right now anyway.”

taehyung was filled with glee. it was purely evil how he imagined them fighting and yoongi giving in; making his way to taehyung's. taehyung thought of how their time would be spent and deep longing took over his entire being. he wanted to see yoongi, no not wanted, needed.

“come over, yoonie, please,” taehyung made sure his pout was present in his voice, knowing yoongi always gave in when taehyung pouted or acted cute. taehyung knew he was yoongi's biggest weakness, even when drunk. “i need to see you. i miss you and your voice isn't enough for me, please?”

“baby, i can't,” yoongi tries to plead with the other, hoping taehyung would understand. yoongi's resolve was slowly breaking down and taehyung could probably tell, at least that's what yoongi thought.

“honey, why are you calling me so late?”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2018 ⏰

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