6 years before the war

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Annie's POV. Annie and Lilly were at Annie's kingdom and were talking to each other. "Hey you remember the lion guards and everything? You remember I killed you?" Annie said. "Yes and I was furious at first but it was quite fun why?" Lilly said. "Well if you died and I was queen. What happens if I die and the Hyena's and other predators fail?" Annie said. "That's... a good question. Wanna go back to the lion guards and go back to the war we were having?" Lilly said. "Yeah let's do it." Lilly's POV. 6 years before the war. "Alright Lilly you remember what to do?" Kion said. "Yeah I do. When are they coming?" Lilly said confuse. "They should be coming right now," Kion said. Kion then look one more time and sees dust far away. "Kion! There actually attacking," Ono said. "They are?! Get ready!" Kion said. Lilly got down there and joined in with the Lion's. "Alright I know how your gonna kill me Annie. I gotta remember," Lilly said to her head. "Alright Lion's! Defend the other animals!" Lilly said. Half of the Lion's attack and half of the Lion's defend the animals while the Hyena's And Jackal's were attacking. Lilly mange and just dealt with them by just pinning one of them and stomp on their legs to make them not move. Lilly then sees Annie. Face to face. "You ready Annie?" Lilly said. "Born ready," Annie said. Annie charged first and Annie did a jump so she can land on Lilly for a pinned and a pounce but then Lilly mange to grabbed her with her sharp teeth and let her bleed out. "See you around Annie," Lilly said winked. Annie rolled her eyes and stayed there to bleed out. Lilly then deals with the rest. 15 minutes later. The war was over. The hyena's and Jackal's fail the attack and gave up and left. The Lion's were cheering on even Lilly and Kion and the lion guards. "We actually mange to survive!" Lilly said. "I know right?!" Kion said. The sky was red but it wasn't anymore sensed the war stopped. Lilly then look at the Outlands thinking about Annie. Kion came right in front of her looking at her worried. "Is their something missing?" Kion said. "It's just my sister. When I saw her she was bleeding from the claws of other Lion's. What if she's still out there?" Lilly said. "I'm not sure Lilly but I guess it's over for that. Now let's have a sleepover," Kion said. "Yeah!" Bunga said. "Err. Do you?" Fuli said. "Absolutely not. I'm not the type of lion to do all this stuff. I mean I am but not in this sort of mood," Lilly said. "Come on it can be fun," Kion said. "You know your all about fun right?" Kion added. "Well... fine but only because we did all this. You in Fuli?" Lilly said. "So I can talk with you sure," Fuli said. The all agreed and went back to there lair. "Alright so me being in party's or sleepovers and all that random stuff. Pretty much when I was a human usually I just be by myself. But this time with Fuli things could be easy with me. I gotta be like Annie a little show that I'm supposed to be a Lion Cub," Lilly said to her head as a diary. They all sat in a circle talking one another. Fuli then looks at Lilly, same as Lilly. "So. Anything happened in war?" Lilly said. "I been attacking Hyena's from behind and kicked Janja in the face. Kion helped me out a bit. What about you?" Fuli said. "Had to deal with my sister which is a Hyena. I know you must be confused but we were sisters actually," Lilly said. "I see." Lilly and Fuli then looked different ways. Lilly then look at her skin it was grey for some reason. She was confused but she hide her confusion to the others and deal with it. Beshte was the first to yarn from all the stuff we had. "Hard war made you tired right?" Lilly said. "Yeah pretty much. Five hyena's jumped on my back and what I have to do? Rolled over or shake them off," Beshte said. "I had to help Kion while flying and by far I can't even land just because the ground is fill with predators," Ono said. "Well I guess we can sleep if you guys like," Lilly said acting suspicious. "What you up too Lilly?" Kion said knowing something's up. "I don't know. Me being outside is fine with me. See ya guys I'm chilling," Lilly said. Lilly then went on outside and went towards the nearest river. She made it to that river and looks at her reflection. Her eyes were brown and her nose were brown as well. Her eyebrows were kinda brown but a bit of red in it. When she looks more into her body she forgot about the lion guard symbol she still haves. Lilly smile and sat down right next to the river and look at herself again. Lilly then heard movement behind her. She look back and notice it was actually Kion thinking that it could be Fuli. "Hey there Kion lovely tonight isn't it?" Lilly said. "Yeah it's nice," Kion said sitting right next to Lilly. "So tomorrow me and you can go out for... exploring. Isn't that fine?" Kion said. "Is it gonna be the waterfall again?" Lilly giggle. "No. But it's not gonna happen again sensed I was absolutely wetter then ever. We can walk around the pridelands for a bit. Then we can go to the Outlands and the-" "The Outlands? Why there?" Lilly said. Kion then thinks what he said to Lilly and think again. "Well I mean do you?" Kion said. "Yeah we can. If you like," Lilly said. "Ok then! I'm gonna go back to the lair and sleep. Your gonna stay here?" Kion said. "Yeah I'll be fine here," Lilly said. Kion waved goodbye and went back to the lair. Lilly then thinks about the Outlands again. "The Outlands? So were gonna go there again and see Janja and the rest? We got this together," Lilly said to herself. Lilly curled into a ball and fell asleep.

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