Chapter 1

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      It was cold and dark. The air smelt of toxin and blood. I was laying down on the ground injured, clothes torn and ripped in places, and blood covering me everywhere. This was a vicious fight indeed against the monster of the night. My step-father dead. My step-mother dead. My friends? Dead. It wasn't easy being a teen with uncontrollable powers like mine that also linked with my emotions of rage, anger, sadness. I lost control tonight, killing practically everyone around me and the monster that laid dead on the ground. My family and friends were trying to help me kill this monster too, but I killed them along with the monster. Oddly enough it felt good. I didn't like this at all. What happen to me? Why did I lose control? I really didn't want to lose my family and friends, that was just the devil inside me basically taking over.

      I sat up slowly in pain, looking around at the dead bodies and body parts around me. So much blood was everywhere. I looked down seeing gashes in my arms, hands, legs, chest, basically everywhere, staining my black skinny jeans, grey shirt, combat boots, and my purple short hair. I shook my head slightly in digress then found strength to push myself up off the ground. I was weak, in pain, low of energy, I couldn't even decide if flying or walking would be less painful. I started walking limp style and placing my hand on my lower abdomen to cover and try to stop the bleeding on the biggest gash there was. You could literally see through my body just like how someone gauges their ears and stretches them and you can see through their earlobe. It was like that but bigger and bloodier.

      I soon limped myself to the nearest medical building nearby. Once reaching the entrance, workers saw my injuries and rushed me on a wheelchair and to the emergency room. Doctors and nurses all rushed in the room once I was laid on the surgery bed. Injecting me with something that would knock me out and make me go under. Soon all I could see was pitch white. No longer in pain, no longer in the real world. Just me, my thoughts, in a calming rest state as the doctors and nurses tend to my wounds, closing me up with stitches, and cleaning me up.

      My eyes slowly opened and I felt my wounds wrapped up, cleaned, covered, and I was even in different clean clothing. I looked around and saw no one in the room but a dark figure. The man was wearing a black cape, a bulky suit that had a bat logo on it, a mask, and well other things. Then man walked over to me slowly with his arms crossed. "I'm glad to see you awake, Raven." He said. I blinked a bit, remembering that voice and his outfit. He's definitely a superhero. "W-where am I?" I asked. "Well your at a hospital dedicated to treating superhuman injuries. The place you were at was a humans hospital, they noticed you weren't human and decided to transport you here and call me. I also heard of what happen tonight outside in the woods. I am sorry for your loss Raven" He said.

       I blinked then laid my head back down on the pillow and taking in reality of what I did tonight. I killed my step-parents and friends. "Right, thanks for the concern, hopefully you do know I am the one that killed them... I lost control and then everyone was dead." I sighed softly then looked at the man. "Don't worry you are not going to be punished as to what you did. You will now be under the care of Robin, my sidekick. She is looking to meet with you, also you are to attend a nonhuman and human school starting tomorrow to help you with controlling your powers." He said. I blinked, wait now this is all making sense! He's Batman! But wait, she? I thought.. Robin was a guy? I coughed and slowly sat up. "W-wait. SHE? I thought Robin was a guy?" I asked confused. Batman chuckled lightly. "Yes, Robin is a she. She has a device that changes her gender over to a guy for identity purposes to protect herself from certain enemies and people. Now, Raven, it was nice to meet you, I'm Bruce Wayne, aka Batman as if you can't tell." He smiled. "I'll have someone come by to fly you to you're new home." He said then turned walking away and his cape trailing behind him.

      I laid back down resting a bit more before the person comes to get me. I was about to close my eyes to possibly go back to sleep but then my eyes shot open as I heard the door swing open. I blinked and sat up slowly still in pain, the small wounds healed quickly and the big one on my stomach was still healing. Damn, whatever they used is speeding up my healing process fast. I saw a white haired man dressed in a butler outfit. He smiled and cleared his throat walking over. "Hello, I'm Alfred." He said. I smiled slightly at him as he helped me out of the bed and on my legs. I held onto him as I tried to walk, but struggled. He helped walk me out of the room and outside to a smaller version of the bat mobile.

      I climbed in the vehicle with Alfred's help then he got into the driver's side and drove off. Soon the car had wings spreading out and jet engines appearing. We were going at a super fast speed and soon the car took off in the air, basically changing into a mini jet. This was so cool. I never met Batman before, nor rode in anything as cool as this.

      A few hours passed as soon in the jets window view, I saw a tower in the shape of an 'R' seeing this might have been Robins living arrangements. Soon the jet landed and changed back into a car. Alfred got out and walked over opening the door for me to get out and held his hand out. I took his hand and he gently pulled me out of the car then closed the door. Walking up to the tower, Alfred knocked and rang the doorbell to this massive building. I glanced over seeing a 7 multi parking garages all each with different types of transportation and styles. My gazed went back to the door as we were greeted by a beautiful woman in skin tight latex clothing and the letter 'R' plastered big in the middle of her chest. Her outfit was the same as the male version of Robin but more skimpy and nicely fit around her curves. I never imagined Robin as a girl nor thought how hot and sexy she looks in that hero outfit. This was a plot twist indeed.

      "Hello" Robin smiled happily at us. She looked me up and down. I wasn't exactly presentable due to being covered in bandages and such. "Ah, you must be Raven that Bruce told me about correct?" She asked and I nodded. She waved me in and started walking around. I followed her inside and Alfred went back to the car and drove or well flew off, leaving just me and her alone.

      Soon I saw a wheelchair rolling over to me with no one pushing it. It got up behind me and I blinked as it made me sit down on it. Robin must know I'm still recovering and how difficult it is for me to walk. So this wheelchair no one is pushing, wheeled right next to Robin. She smiled and looked around as she continued to walk. "I wanted to give you a grand tour of my big place, but considering you are still recovering and have a hard time walking I decided to have this wheelchair instead to help you move around easier." She said. Man, she was very nice and thoughtful. I'm very lucky to meet her and be in her care.

      The tour went on and on as she showed me her different rooms, machines, inventions, what they do, where I am allowed to go, what I can or cannot touch. It was all cool and breath taking. She even told me stories of her adventures and what she accomplished, who she met and fought with, and even some bad stories too. She walked to a door and stop. "This is your room now Raven. I hope you like it and you can decorated to however you want. I ran a background check on you and gathered your interest so the room is catered and stylized to how you'd like. But if there is things you don't like and you want to remove or add stuff you can." She said then opened the door walking in and flicked on the light.

       I was wheeled in and I blinked looking around. The light in the room wasn't bright but it gave off enough light to see. The walls, bedding, carpet, everything was all a mix of purple and black, my two most favorite colors. Soon we stopped at the massive closet door in this massive room that was made for me. Robin smiled and pressed a button on the wall that can switch between outfits and there was a hologram effect that flashed and soon an outfit appeared. It was floating, looking like it wasn't hanging onto anything. A black leather one piece under this giant purple hooded cape, purple boots, and some other yellow and red accessories. It was like this was made for me.

      I blink in astonishment as Robin giggled, looking at me. "You like? This is going to be your hero outfit now Raven. Also, there are other outfits in this closet, just play with these buttons and see what you like. Mix and match different clothes and styles then press this button to activate it and  this device here will make it appear and you can even step in this hologram and the clothes will get rid of what you are wearing now and replace it with the new ones. So come give it a try" She smiled.

      I nodded then stood up gently with her help and walked over inside the hologram, the clothes I was wearing was now replace with the hero outfit. I blinked and walked out looking down smiling. This all feels nice, the materials of this outfit was high quality and a good fit to my body and lightweight. "Oh wow, I-I love it Robin! Thank you so much." I smiled and walked over hugging her for a while. My eyes were closed, enjoying this moment then I blinked opening them feeling Robins hand gently squeeze my butt. I thought it was odd but I just let it happen. What's even more odd... I have this weird feeling inside that I never felt before. I think they call it butterflies in your stomach? 

      Robin and I let go of the hug and smiled at each other. I backed up seeing her eyes sparkle lightly and I turned to walked around the room checking it out. It was a decent room, well massive. I never lived in a big room like this. Think of a master bedroom but bigger and waaayyyy cooler! I walked over to the bed and gently plopped down on it then looking over seeing the massive flat screen TV on the wall. There were even lit candles around the room. Robin smiled and walked over laying next to me on my bed. I turned and faced her. Our faces were inches apart. I could feel those butterflies returning and my heartbeat raising. Robin reached over and gently caressed my cheek and played with my purple hair a bit, looking at the red diamond on my forehead, then moving my hair away from my face and tucking it behind my ear. What even is going on? What the hell is this feeling?!

      Robin inched closer with her face to mine, leaning over kissing my nose. I blinked confused as to what was happening. I soon felt something tugging at my outfit near my waist, realizing it was her hand reach in and gently rubbing my lady parts. I bit my lip slightly feeling it. What the hell is going on?! First these damn butterflies and now being turned on by a sexy female superhero?! I didn't stop her nor push her hand away. I felt her fingers slide in to stimulate my pleasures more and more. Then soon our lips were glued together. Making out even with tongue, having an intimate moment. There was a breeze in the room and soon the candles were blown out, the light was turned off, it was pitch black in the room.

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