Enjolras x OC

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You were the daughter of General Lamarque. Your father was an honorable man. But lately, things have been different. He got gravely ill. "Mademoiselle Lamarque, there is mail for your father. But I fear that he won't be able to read it.", Madame said.
"Madame, I take that matter in my hands.", you said. Madame Albert has been around ever since you were a little baby. She took care of you when your mother had died and now she was your closest friend.

"Very well, Mademoiselle. Tea? As usual?" You nodded and Madame Albert left the room. Your eyes found a letter. It had a beautiful handwriting on it, probably the most beautiful handwriting you've ever seen. You opened the letter to reveal even more of these beautiful written words. It said:

"Monsieur Lamarque,
we would be delighted to have you at our meeting in Café Musain. You might have heard the rumor that there's a new Revolution and you heard right: my friends and I want to change France. With your help, we will not fail.
If you're interested, be at the Café Musain at 5pm, sharp, on December 5th."

The letter didn't have a name on it. You had plenty of time to get ready for this meeting. Fancy clothing probably wasn't appropriate for this kind of meeting. So you had to think. Your thoughts were interrupted by Madame, coming in with your tea. "Is everything alright, Mademoiselle?", Madame asked.
"Oui, I just need some advice. Preferably from you. I have to go to a meeting of a students group tonight and I don't think that fancy clothes are appropriate for this.", you said.
"I recommend wearing a common dress. Nothing to special, nothing less. How about this one?"
"This one it is Madame, thank you very much."

Hours later, she was sitting in the carriage on her way to the Café. All of sudden, the carriage had stopped.
"Why did we stop?" "Mademoiselle, there are students. They might be dangerous.", the man said. Then she looked out of the window, when a little boy climbed inside.
"How do you do? My name's Gavroche.", he said. "Bonjour Gavroche. My name is y/n.", you said.
"Are you rich?",he asked. "I guess you could say so. But wait a second." You reached into a pocket of yours and gave him 30 francs. "30 francs. But why me, Mademoiselle?", Gavroche asked.
"Why not you? Take it, they're yours.", you said, put it into the palm of the young boy.

"Thank you. May I ask where you are going?", Gavroche asked. "Café Musain is my destination.", you said. "Follow me.", the boy said and took your hand. He guided you to the Café. "Merci, Gavroche."
You walked inside and looked around. No student can be seen here. It was 5pm now but no one was here. Gavroche hurried past you, up the stairs. You followed him until you walked to a door. Behind it, you could hear students chatting.
You opened the door to every student looking at you.
"Bonjour." "Can we help you?", a blonde haired young man asked. He was seated between two other young man, one of them having Gavroche in his lap.
"Yes, my father has received this letter. I just followed the instructions." "Can I see it?" You nodded and gave him the letter.

"Where did you get this from?", the man asked. "Like I said, it's from my father.", you said. "This is for General Lamarque." "I am his daughter. Y/N Lamarque."

The man stood there with his mouth wide open. Well, that was awkward.

"Excuse me, Mademoiselle Lamarque."

(AN: this is dedicated to Mizzymazza because they came up with the idea. I hope this is how you imagined it.)

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