Chapter 8: Pancakes With Katherine

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Haha hey guys! :D

I just deleted one of my stories because not many people were reading it, and I have to keep up with my other stories and having all 3 stories was just getting to be a hassle, so yeah... R.I.P, The Winchesters... :(

On a happier note, here is Chapter 8, hope you all enjoy!


Daughter Mikalson

Chapter 8: Pancakes With Katherine

Part 1:

    Rebekah and I followed the pretty brunette hostess towards the back of the restaurant. "This is a bad idea, Rebekah." I hissed, low enough so only she would be able to hear. She didn't respond, except for an eye roll.

        I follwed the woman down the isles of booths and tables, and then I saw her.

       Katherine Pierce sat beside a window, her dark brown- almost black- curls hung low on her chest. She had a pair of big, black sunglasses covering her eyes.

        I couldn't see all of her face, but she looked exactly like Elena... other than her curly hair. As soon as we showed up, she looked at us and smiled. She slid her sunglasses off, revealing the rest of her face.

         I held back a gasp. She looked exactly like Elena! "Rebekah." Katherine greeted. She moved her brown eyes over to me, "And you are...?" she asked. "Hope." I said, sliding into the booth across from Katherine. "She's a friend of mine." she smiled. "Human?" she guessed. I laughed a little and barred my fangs. She jumped back a little.

       "Hybrid...?" she said again. Rebekah nodded, and glanced around, to see if anyone had noticed my slip. Thankfully, nobody had.

         "Of what?" she questioned. "I need your help." Rebekah demanded, stealing Katherine's attention. Katherine kept her eyes on me for a moment, and then looked at Rebekah. "Why would an Original need my help?" she asked, twirling the straw in a glass of Orange juice in front of her. Rebekah rolled her eyes.

         "I need you to distract the Salvatores." Rebekah told her. Katherine laughed, "Is that all? What makes you think ill distract them?" she chuckled.

        Rebekah rolled her eyes. "You make it a habit of getting what you want, Katherine. I know you want Stefan, and I'm going to help you get him." she said. "I need any supernatural alliances with Elena gone." Rebekah shrugged.

        Rebekah had told me her plan in the car. It was ridiculous, really. Rebekah wanted Elena gone. Dead, or turned, so Klaus wouldn't want her. It was a miracle he left her alone the first time, and it was no secret why Klaus wanted to meet me here of all places.

         Klaus knew Elijah, Haley, and Rebekah would never allow him to use me to spit out his own hybrid army, but nobody except the Salvatores, and the Bennett witch were stopping him from using Elena. In order to kill or turn Elena, she needed the Salvatores, the Bennett witch, and the perky blonde vampire dead, or distracted. Complicated? a bit. Necessary, maybe. 

        Klaus had an obsession with creating a hybrid army. But when Haley revealed she was pregnant, her and Elijah went to Chicago, Klaus followed, forgetting completely about Elena. Now, Rebekah was sure that his intentions were to use Elena to try to make another army, using her doppelganger blood.

          For the past 18 years, Klaus has been too busy with the destruction of the Chicago witches, the only witches who actually knew who I was, that he forgot completely about his hybrid plans.

           "And why does an original and her little helper want something so impossible?" she asked. I laughed. "Helper?" I snorted. Rebekah shot me a look and I rolled my eyes, and looked down at the table.

        "Are we ready to order?" a woman asked us with a bright smile.

        I ate happily at my pancakes while Rebekah and Katherine spoke. "Let me get this straight-" Katherine began. "You think that I'm going to be able to distract them?" she asked, her eyes squinted.

        Rebekah sighed and leaned forward. "You, no." she smiled evilly, as Katherine just tilted her head.

"Elena will though." she smiled evilly.


I know, it's a short chapter, but I had to get this update done quick.

I am SO sorry it took so long to update this, I have been having a really bad case of writers block! :( I am so sorry, and I will try my best to get the next one up ASAP!

School starts the 13th, and once school starts, so does homework, and studying which means, updates won't be as frequent, or as long. :(

I will try and get them up when I can though, you can probably count on one or two chapters every weekend. Maybe...  

Anyways... I have a new Fanfiction I'm writing, I'm on like chapter 5 it's a Klaus Fanfic, and right now it's private, but if I get enough requests, Ill officially put it up. :D

IDK if you'll like it... I like it, but... Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this story, and I will begin writing what I can of chapter 9 right now!

P.S. Thank you all so much for nearly 500 reads!!!! :D I'm dying!
Remember to comment, and vote and follow! :D

I love you all so much and I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoy writing them for you!

Once again,

-Kisses, Becca ;)

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