His Attitude

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On the next day of school, everyone started to act different around me then usual.. especially Kacchan.. he wasn't making fun of me with his group pf friends... he was all alone... i didnt say anything to him.

But hell he said something to me and i never forgotten what he said.. at all..

"Deku.. i dont like you being different... it FUCKING pisses me off! And i cant ignore it anymore.. whats going on with you?!"
"None of your damn business, Kacchan.."

I didnt regret saying that one bit.. but all he did was look at me turned around in shock.. just a jaw dropping stare at my back...

But then i got home...

Mom was on the floor... in her own pool of blood... then i see my dad about to hit her... i went in before he did... i stopped him with a punch to his face pushing him back. Surprisingly, he got up and ran towards me.. he slammed me against the wall and we fought...

Then he lushed me...


Im the front...
We both fought and fought... until...
my mom.. was shaking in tears.. i went to her and helped her up.. leaving my dad by himself... he was pissed.. like Kacchan.. he went back in and went straight to his room and not coming out.. thank god mom and dad dont have the same room or I'd kill him...

Crap thats too Kacchan...

|look ik it's short and not kacchan pov cause imma bout to go to school XD baaiii|

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