The Princess Of Nothing

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(Astra POV)

I am the Princess of Nothing... Or at least I thought I was. Most people know The Kingdom of Nothing as a kingdom full of "pointy eared people" or "elves" but really we're just people with a mutation for pointy ears... My father never let me out of the castle so I lived in complete isolation in my bedroom. I wanted to know why I was locked in the castle for every year of my life. I was turning twenty years old today and I wanted out of this box we called a castle. I knew my father said I would be in danger if I left the castle due to me holding half of the Moon Spirit within my soul, but I had been trained to use my abilities to defend myself! My gift was meant to be shared with the people... To help the people in any way my powers could... But I was hidden away from the people who needed me the most. The only people I have ever met were my father and his most trusted guards. I looked out over the balcony and sighed as I saw for handsome boys walking through the market. They clearly were not from this kingdom, but they seemed to be having so much fun... I finally snapped and changed out of my dress and into my black, hooded cape. It had a crescent moon sewn into the back, but it was all I had. I used the lock pick my most trusted friend, who was also a guard, had given me for my birthday today. I snuck out the front door, the guards letting me pass and practically encouraging my run away. My mother had died when I was six and she was the only reason my father allowed me out of my room. She was gone now and if my father caught me now, I would be sent back to my room by force. I was holding the handle to the front doors of the castle when I heard my father's voice in the other room. I walked closer to listen in until I heard something that made me freeze in shock.

"I know Astra is not my daughter, but she is still the princess and the Moon's protector!" My father snapped at the guards. He saw me and froze before trying to walk closer. I stepped back and started to cry.

"You liar!!! You were never my father!!!" I screamed as tears roller down my cheeks. I burst out the doors of the castle as my "father" ordered guards after me. I ran through the crowds, loosing the guards, but I still kept running. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I ran into people, my vision blurred by the tears in my eyes. Eventually, I bumped into someone who didn't budge which means I started to fall to the ground. A hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a strong chest. I fell to my knees and sobbed. The person I had run into knelt down to my level and lifted my chin. It was one of the four boys I saw from my balcony earlier... He had blue eyes and beautiful blonde hair. His freckles simply added to his amazing looks. He looked concerned as he helped me up. I continued crying and he wiped my tears away which made my heart skip a beat.

"What's wrong?" he asked softly. His friends simply stared at us in shock. I heard some guards around the corner and I froze before panicking.

"Please! Help me! I can't go back to the castle! He's not my real father!" I said frantically. The boys eyes widened and he pulled my hood down and pulled me into his chest. Music started and he started to dance with me as the guards ran past us. After the guards passed, the four boys brought me to their beautiful car where the blonde boy explained that I needed to trust them and get in the car. I hopped in the car without hesitation and they started the engine before driving off.

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