23) Sunrise Over the Med

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I don't know what time it was. Wesley and I fell asleep in each other's arms. I woke up with my knees aching. I forgot about my pills. So I went to the fridge in our room and pulled out a Coca-Cola. I then went to my purse and pulled my pills put. The smell of the sea air caught my senses once again. I wrapped myself in one of the hotel robes and stood at the balcony, staring out to sea. Wesley startled me by wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He whispered in my ear.

"Blank. My mind is blank and I am just enjoying this moment." I lulled.

Wesley placed his chin on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around me tighter. We stood like that for what seemed like forever. Light started to flicker out of my left eye. The sun was starting to rise.

"I never appreciated the sun rises when I was here as a child. I loved the view of the sea. But I enjoyed my sleep more." I told Wesley as if singing it.

"I am glad I get to be here with you now to witness this sun rise. I don't want to miss any more sun rises with you. As the sun rises and sets, I want to watch everyone with you. No matter where we are on this planet. I want to see this look on your face every morning and every night." Wesley said to me as he turned me around to face him.

He then began kissing me. He pulled me forward with every step he took backward until we were at the bed. He then sat down, still kissing me. He was now looking up to me, and me looking down. Slowly he untied my robe and slid it off my shoulders and let it pool on the floor. He pulled me then, on top of him. Still kissing me. Once I was lying completely on top of him, Wesley rolled me over to make love to me once again.

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