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On the fifth day of the girl's arrival, she made sure everything was nice and tidy, just the way Dazai had asked her to. The prince from over the seas, Chuuya Nakahara, was coming to visit to the kingdom to resolve some financial issues with the prince.

"Ah, I'm so excited Y/N," Dazai held his chest with an arm. "My heart can't stop beating rapidly!"

"I'm glad you're hyped about this, sir." Y/N smiled at her beaming twin brother.

"I get to see Chuuya-kun up close! And maybe, just maybe- propose to him!" Dazai sighed in delight.

"If you love him that much, you should."

Dazai grinned. "Yeah, I will.

The prince began to look around for the list of things he needed to make sure prince Chuuya was comfortable being in his castle.

"Shit- I forgot to tell the servants to get the table cloths from the sewer in the village." Dazai face palmed himself. He turned to Y/N. "Y/N, mind doing a small favor for me and go get the cloth from the clothing shop?"

"Of course, sir." Y/N replied. "I'll be on my way."

"Thank you Y/N!" Dazai smiled brightly again.

Y/N just smiled back and grabbed her basket and hat.


Y/N walked down into the village. People were bustling everywhere. She felt uncomfortable since she wasn't used to being around so many people, but brushed the feeling off as she made her way through the crowd. Y/N accidentally tripped over someone's foot and fell onto the ground. The basket tumbled next to her knee.

"Oh my, are you alright?" A sweet voice asked the girl. Y/N blinked a few times as she groaned from pain. She looked up at the man who had his hand out to her. He was quite a handsome fellow. He had beautiful purple red eyes, and short, indigo dark hair that reach down to his shoulders. He wore an ushanka hat and an ordinary attire that most of the villagers would wear.

"I-I'm fine.." Y/N stuttered. She took the man's hand, who pulled her up on her feet and began to put the things that fell out back into the basket.

"That was quite a fall," The man commented, checking the girl to see if she had any bruises. "You sure you're okay?"

"Y-yes, Of course. It was just a small fall." Y/N smiled.

"Ah, if you say so then." the man said.

"Fyodor! Where did you go?" A ginger asked out loudly, walking towards the two.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that Chuuya." Fyodor laughed as he apologized. "I saw this young lady fall, so I ran to her to help her out."

"Ah?" Chuuya looked at Y/N. The girl was confused at first, but then realized who the ginger standing before her was.

"P-rince Ch-Chuuya??!" Y/N gasped. Chuuya was surprised, then chuckled.

"Yup, that's me."

"My lord!" Y/N bowed.

"No need to do that here, I'm just an ordinary person, like all of you." Chuuya laughed again.

"Oh, Chuuya~" Fyodor giggled. "You're such a fine gentleman."

Fyodor turned to Y/N and patted the girl's head. "Well, we must be heading off now. It was a pleasure meeting you, uh..."

"Y/N." The girl said.

"Y/N." Fyodor smiled one last time, then walked away with Chuuya by his side. "Take care!"

Y/N waved goodbye to the two men. She was dazed by Fyodor's stunning looks. The girl felt her heart began to beat rapidly. She sighed in delight, but then took a moment to realize something.

"Wait... is the prince from overseas.. falling for that beautiful man?" Y/N thought.

She then returned back to the castle.

Once she entered the castle, the girl began to look for the prince. He was nowhere to be seen. However, she heard soft cries coming from the brunette's top room. She headed upstairs quickly to check. Dazai was staring at a photo of what seemed to be Chuuya in his hands. He looked up to see Y/N, teary eyed.

"My lord! Are you alright?" Y/N asked, rushing towards the brunette. Dazai wiped his tears away. "He... rejected the proposal..."

Y/N looked at the photo Dazai held in his hands, then realized.

"It's.. because of a man.." Dazai clutched the photo tightly. "He loves.. a dark purple haired man.."

Y/N sighed. "It is true, sire. He is."

Dazai stared at the photo for a while, then laid it on the table next to him. He got up, looking at Y/N with very dull eyes. Y/N flinched at the sight of her twin brothers unusual expression.

"Get the minister out of the cell," Dazai ordered. "Now."

"Yes sir.." Y/N looked at him confusingly, then did as she was told. A few moments later, the minister slowly walked to the brunette.

"Poe." Dazai mumbled, sitting himself down on his throne as he crossed his legs and stared at the other male.

"Yes.. Sir?" Poe looked up at the brunette.

"Kill every dark-purple haired man you see. Make sure not one stays standing."

Y/N's eyes rose from horror. Poe was surprised as well, but then closed his eyes and nodded.

"Sire... don't you think that's a bit too extreme?" Y/N asked the male. "There are plenty of other princes out there you can choose from..."

"No." Dazai angrily glared at the girl. "I can't love someone my heart does not desire to be with!!"

Y/N stared at him, then let out a sigh.


Before Y/N could leave, the brunette grabbed her arm.

"...you know how the guy looks like, right?" Dazai asked the girl. She stayed silent for a moment, then slowly nodded her head.

"Ah, my senses were right." Dazai let Y/N go. He walked over to his table and grabbed the knife that was sitting on it. He turned around and handed it to Y/N.

"... I want you to kill him."

Y/N looked at the knife, then took it in her hands slowly. She looked up at the brunette. For some reason, she can tell that he was actually deeply hurt inside, even thought he had an angry expression on his face. The girl knew her twin brother was filled with jealousy, and because of that, doesn't know how to control his emotions. She closed her eyes and laughed softly.

"Of course, brother. Just promise me you'll feel better after I do."

Dazai's upset expression turned to a happy one. He laughed, then embraced the maid into his hands.

"I love you imouto," he chuckled softly. Y/N sighed and patted his back.

Prince of Evil (Dazai x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now