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"A new chapter in my life is about to begin." ~Cindy-Leigh (Life Is a Gift)

She missed her.

Unbearably missed her.

Her voice, her scent, her touch. She missed the way her hand curled around her own, how her voice rung so familiar in her ears, how her comforting touch lulled her with each tight embrace.

She missed her like the sun missed the moon. Always running behind, trying so desperately to catch up, but oh how crushing it is they are never meant to meet.

She missed her simply, but it was time to let go. Find her own beginning, and move on. This passed adventure, this stopping point until the next chapter read like so. She knew she wanted to be happy, unbearably happy, and knew missing her would have to be the price.

She buried her in the sky, let her rest among the clouds. And though she missed her every being on the way back down, she held no regrets holding her guardian's hand. Just like the one she missed, it carried the same love, a willingness to fight on her behalf and never let go.

All the hands she's held through this passed adventure - not one dared to let her go. 

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