Chapter 2:

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He was ashamed to admit it took longer than he would've thought to find James. He had been racing up and down street corners for a good half hour before deciding to brave alleys and parks. No use getting himself killed really. Who knew who lurked out here this time of night?

He was gasping for breath, his heart hammering in his chest when he finally found him at a corner. It had been too long for him to say where he was exactly but he couldn't help but marvel. James looked every bit the fallen mischievous angel he was. Moonlight and shadows.

He was at a horse drawn carriage. Looking like he was trying to detach the horse from it. Archer walked toward him slowly, assessing the situation idly. He was clearly drunk. Sweat was making his hair stick to his forehead dark and fine. White puffs of air were still coming out of his mouth as he struggled to undo the tethers from the horse. A man was sleeping on the bench. His clothes didn't look in the best condition although it was dark, Archer couldn't really make out the details of the man's attire. Whether he was homeless or drove the horse was anyone's guess.

"And what is it you think you are doing?" He finally asked after 5 minutes of waiting for James to notice him.

James started striking his head against the bar above him. He swore profusely rubbing his head. "Son of a-! Who are you?! State your purpose!" He whipped his head around to glare at Archer. His gaze was glowing in the dark.
Archer blinked, surprised a second, he had been thinking so deeply of him and the shared brief kinship he had with his father, he had forgotten the boy didn't know who he was. "My name is Archer. Cyril Archer. I was inquiring of what you were doing to that horse. Were you planning on stealing it?"

James stopped glaring at him. His mood shifted abruptly to one of intense satisfaction, "No friend of mine shall be imprisoned like a common beast. I shall ride him free through the streets and release him into the wild." He immediately turned his back to Archer, setting himself back to his work.

Archer looked around himself absently, "The wild?"

"Yes right over there." He flapped a hand in the general direction behind Archer.

Archer turned and held back a sudden burst of laughter, "Um...Central Park you mean?"

James was obviously not making any headway on the sturdy ropes. His fingernails were becoming bloody though he seemed not to notice. "Don't tell me you've never seen the majestic creatures in there who glide in herds like the high steeds of god himself?"

At this point Archer was baffled. Racking his head, he really couldn't think of anything that could have possibly had any relation to James's description.

"Er- why don't w-"

"Wait!," James rushed at him suddenly startling him. He smacked a hand over Archer's mouth his face disturbingly earnest and close, flushed in excitement. He reeked of whisky and gin,"Help me release the beast and I'll tell you a secret."

Archer's was disgruntled. His hand was bloody, sweaty, and smelled like horse. He gave a tight nod. He couldn't say he wasn't intrigued. Maybe he'd find of more about his father or why such a young man would be getting as boiled as an egg. Or at least maybe when the adventure was over be able to get the boy home safe. James's eyes seemed to rove over his face settling on his eyes. They felt like hooks drawing out things he knew were better left buried. Archer couldn't help but feel both unsettled but safe at the same time. James was in no state to remember anything even if he did find out. His eyes were glazed now. The earlier dark slate was gone. The moonlight hit his eyes, making them look softened like storm clouds. Dark unreadable tunnels shadowed in grief and sorrow. Grief for what?

Archer shifted forward. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do. Hug him? Comfort him? He didn't even know what was wrong yet or if there even was anything wrong. But there was underlying difference between pure adolescent drunkenness and wanting to run from something. Wanting to forget everything. This just seemed like a recklessness bordering on self harm. His chest was clenching like he couldn't hold a breath. With a flicker of fear and defensiveness, James was already back at the carriage. His face shielded by a shadow his back facing Archer. He was rigid but standing firm and tall. A broken Prince of the Night.

It would hardly do for us to be accomplices if I don't know your name." Archer said calmly changing tactics. It would hardly do to question anything of him right now. James already looked as tight as a spring. But at Archer's casual remark he visibly relaxed.

"Will. Will Hemming." He didn't turn just cast a amused look over his shoulder at Archer. Completely at odds with his demeanor from seconds ago. Archer quirked an eyebrow but didn't comment. Why give a fake name? How much does he have to hide?

James hopped atop the carriage above the sleeping man's head. He peered curiously into the man's face then surveying his body. "You think he could free Hanson? No offense Archer I think your strength lies in mind not in body." He gave a cackle leaping from the carriage bench but not before gripping one of the lapels of the man's coat using his weight to yank him off hard.

The man rolled off hitting the floor with a nasty thud. Archer watched concerned momentarily wondering for the first time that the man might be dead. This was disproven however when a groan and a string of expletives were heard. James looked positively thrilled, bending to the man's side looking to see his face. "Hullooo, my name's Will, this is my accomplice Archer, and we need your help for a mission."

The man looked a good deal groggy and alarmed. Archer would wager he looked about late 30's. Definitely homeless. He thought to himself he better make the greetings as James would probably completely alarm or terrify him.

"Hello sir, would you like to accompany us to the park? My dear friend is obviously in no condition to make the venture on his own and I could definitely use a hand." Yes this could definitely work. Maybe bribe him with a few dollars and get James home quickly.

The man look dubious now his face was alarmingly pale, "What's in it for me?" He was paying no attention as James tried to push and drag him to his feet. He kept his attention fixated on Archer. Who obviously looked the most well groomed of the two.

Archer quirked an eyebrow suavely nicking $5 from his pocket lining in his coat. He thanked whatever god left him the sense to not spend completely all his money on booze like he usually did. The man's eyes gleamed with sudden interest. He brought himself up, lazily pushing James off him with a likable grin. "What's our mission then men?"

James grasped him by the shoulders spinning him around. He looked him in the eye looking serious and dignified. Archer thought absently he looked rather like his father with that look in his eye. "You will free Hanson here. And we shall return this stallion to the wild to be where he belongs."

The man shrugged not looking particularly concerned what they were doing as long as he got paid. "Alrighty then, I can do that. I was a navy man myself can undo any knot. Although you sir look as boiled as an egg. I think I might need a bit of that myself to get through this."
Archer's eyes glinted like hard stones. "I don't think that'll be necessary. Though if you insist, perhaps I can be persuaded to give you a swig of this here." He gave a flash of the flask he was hiding in his coat. The man's eyes looked glazed in greed. "Doesn't look like you need it do ya? You look the type to pretend you're boiled than actually be it." He swayed toward Archer's hand outstretched.

Archer looked upward thoughtfully teasingly slimming his fingertips with the cool silver metal. "Do I? My cover has been blown. Well I suppose there's nothing I can do about it now." James suddenly bowled Archer's arm and shoulder out of the way, making him stumble with a shout.

"Wha-? What is your problem? Just untie the bloody horse already." He snapped brushing off his suit noting irritably there was a rip in the ankle. James shot him a dark look taking him aback before turning back to the man. "None of that now. You don't need to be inebriated to do this. I don't respect men who feel the need to laze about and be drugged all the time." He glowered darkly; his eyes suddenly clear.

The man looked startled although indignant. "Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?"

James smiled unpleasantly. He suddenly seemed too old. Like the whole world sat on his shoulders and he was only too used to carrying that weight. His eyes glittered like coal. "I find men drink to get away from things. There should only be an optimal reason for what you're running from. So what's yours? I can guarantee mine can outdo it."

The man just looked at him a second longer before shrugging, "Fine. Let's just get this done then. Free the horse, return it and you, then I get paid? Done." He looked resolute in his decision but there was a certain look in his eye that made Archer wonder if James hadn't attracted his curiosity too.

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