Work of art

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Disclaimer: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them belongs to their respective owners. I only write for pleasure and I make no profit from it.

|Work of art|

"Love is not just a feeling, it is also an art" - Honore de Balzac

Newt adored Tina. He did it with every fiber of his being. Since he had known her, since he had fallen in love with her, he had become a much happier man. He smiled spontaneously while taking care of his creatures and remembered the moments alone with her. He had always been a very shy person, a person who doesn't feel very comfortable when there are other people nearby and who tend to escape from social situations.

But with Tina, that didn't happen to him at all. Of course, he still would laugh like a fool when she looked into his eyes for a long time or would fell his cheeks turning red whenever she took off her clothes slowly before making love. Of course, sometimes he would stutter when he got nervous because he didn't know if she would like the gifts he gave her on her birthday or he would look at her dumbfounded when she fell asleep in the armchair in the living room. But not once had he wanted to be away from her.

After getting married, they had moved to England where she got a job as an auror in the Ministry of Magic while he continued with his work, studying magical creatures and writing books. Life with her was better than a dream because it was real. The routine despite being mechanical didn't present any obstacle for the marriage to show affection in its own way.

For them, love was when Newt would prepare coffee for Tina in the mornings before she went to work or that she would prepare tea for him when he stayed writing late at night. Love was that whenever Tina came to work, Newt kissed her on the lips and prepared her lunch. Love was that she read her husband's writings to make sure he had not missed anything. He was made for her and she was made for him. Both complemented each other in many aspects.

However, the man liked to stare at his wife a lot. The times when she stayed up late reading files, taking notes for her cases in the Ministry and arranging the paperwork, he pretended to be very busy writing but actually he was staring at her from head to toe. Normally, she did her work in her pajamas when it was too late. Her small feet feet could be seen as they were outside her pants and she moved her toes in a silent compass. The legs and slim waist were barely noticeable under his clothes as were the small shoulders and the modest chest. The white hands with the fingers stained with ink, the black eyes concentrated in the files and the curly black hair, always messy. For Newt, Tina was like a work of art. His wife was the most beautiful woman in the world before his eyes and she was the best life partner he could have asked for.

At night, she would always be the first one to fall asleep. Normally, they would go to bed and talk for a few minutes about their days. He would tell her what he had written, what he had eaten, what his creatures had done. She would tell him about what had happened at work, about the criminals she had questioned or some interesting story. Then they would kiss and said good night. Sometimes they would fool around under the sheets, he would tickle her to make her laugh or she would stroke his chest and kiss his neck. Other times they would make love slowly. And others, although very few, they would stay talking all night, especially when Tina had a vacation from work. However, once they were silent and it was time to sleep, she wouldn't take more than five minutes to lose herself in dreams. Newt used those moments to watch her even more closely.

Tina always sleept with a frown and he never knew why, but he was used to seeing her like that. She didn't snore. He did or at least, that's what she said. Newt never told her, but Tina would talk in her sleep. She didn't say anything particularly dramatic, just muttered things that didn't make sense, like fruit names or sounds without any meaning. Many times, he would kiss her forehead or nose and turned around to fall asleep too. Sometimes, he would wake up in the middle of the night because he felt that she was hugging him still asleep. His heart would soften and he would go back to sleep.

In the mornings, she was the one who woke up first. She would always be awake and looking at him or looking at the ceiling of the room by the time he opened his eyes. They would say good morning, fool for a few minutes under the sheets and then get up to start another day. Then Newt would watch her get dressed and prepare for work. He would admire her as if she was a very well-made painting, one that leaves you stunned.

Tina would take off her pajamas and stay a little bit in her underwear. She would always put on his shirt first and comb her hair. Then she would put on her stockings, then her pants. And finally, the shoes. Always in that order, never in a different way. Newt would be fine just with putting on a shirt and some pants, he used to walk barefoot in the house. Maybe with a pair of wool stockings in winter but he would only use shoes to go out. Once they were dressed, they would have breakfast. He would make black coffee with no sugar for her and another sweet one for him. They would talk for a while and then she would go to work. He would stay there, eat a light lunch, wash the dishes, take care of his creatures, write or read. Sometimes he would go out to meet his publisher.

In the afternoon, Tina would return to the house. If she entered silently, it was because she had had a heavy day and in that case, Newt would prepare a hot bath for her to relax. If she came in telling some exciting story, it was because she had had a successful day and then he would get something fresh to drink while listening as she related exalted whatever had happened to her.

And that's how life was with Tina. The days would go by one after the other. Every day, he would discover something new in her, something that would make him love her even more. And he would keep it in his memory and remember it every time she did it again. Because for him, all those things made her be Tina and that made her perfect for him. His dear Tina, as normal as it sounded, was the most beautiful work of art he had ever seen and Newt was the luckiest viewer in the world, for he could appreciate the work closer than any other person.

The End

Thank you for entering this story. If you want to read more about the world of Fantastic Beasts, you can go to my stories "Chronicles of a magizoologist", "Cold coffee" and "Hot chocolate". The comments will be appreciated.

Cherry Queenie

Work of art [Newtina]Where stories live. Discover now