Chapter 64

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So sorry this took long! I got writer's blocked! but anyway here it is the next chapter enjoy!


Tears were streaming from my face as I watched Mom cry over her dead husband. Kagome crying over her father and then there was past me who refused to believe he was dead. Even with Kagome's warning, I tried to save Dad. But I guess my healing ability didn't come yet, because she couldn't do it. We were at the funeral. People were gathered around. I was kicking and squirming from Grandpa's grip.

"No! no!" Past me screamed, "what are you doing?! Daddy! wake up! Daddy!" I watched as they refilled the hole while past me freaked out. "daddy!" Grandpa released her when the hole was filled not being able to hold her back anymore. She threw herself onto the dirt. "I'll get you Daddy! I'll get you out" she started digging.

"Mitsuki no!" Mom cried Kagome went over trying to take me away, but I fought her.

"No!" Past me screamed, "he didn't see me...he wanted to see me in my kimono..." She finally managed to pull me away. "why are you doing this to daddy? he's just tired!"

"You know...that's not true" Kagome cried

"He can't be dead..." Past me refused, "he promised he'd never let anyone hurt's he going to keep his promise now..." We were all upset. We moved into the shrine with Grandpa afterwards. Mom tried to get me to take off the kimono, but I refused. I felt like I had to wait till Dad gave me a sign that he saw me from the other side. Grandpa had to chase me down along with Kagome to catch me. Either way, that sign never came. I ended up throwing it away. I told my mom and Kagome that it didn't fit, so they wouldn't ask too many questions. The first year without Dad was harsh. All of us seemed to be in a depressed state. But little by little my friends started to pull me out of it. Watching these memories of my friends like hanging out at the park at night trying to see if the 'demon' was real (little did I know the demon they were looking for was me the entire time) or doing rehearsals for our dance group, it was really nostalgic and I missed those times. I found it funny how lazy I was when there was a wild demon dormant inside me. I mean I was so lazy Satoshi would pretty much push me all through the mile that we had to run for P. E. There was this one time that I refused to run the rest and I sat on the field. Satoshi threatened to lift me up, but I didn't believe him until he actually did it.

"What are you doing?" Past me said wrapping her arms around his neck, "I swear if you drop me...just set me down!"

"I don't think so" he said running, "I'm not going to let you give up, this is the only class that you have a good mark for a grade, I'm not letting it slip"

"It's my fault that I don't pass" I sighed, "I don't see why you guys worry..."

"You know exactly why were doing this" he said out of breath, "don't play dumb"

"My grades are my problem" I said, "I should be the only one who should care"

"But you don't" he said, "so that leaves it to your best friends to do so!"

"It does not" I replied

"You know we'll always have your back Mitsuki" he said smiling down at me, "even when you don't want it" that was when I realized my feelings for Satoshi. I watched as I began to smile a lot more. By now the feudal era was completely erased from my mind. I didn't even remember about Washa who I'd carry around everywhere. I didn't even realize Kagome left him locked up in the attic behind the mirror when she was hiding when we played hide and go seek. I watched as two years passed. I was now drinking a milkshake with Sena and Momo. Ai had a dentist appointment.

"Hey what homework did we have for history again?" Past me asked

"Pg 250" Sena answered, "questions #1-15 and the answers have to be complete sentences and the last question is the essay"

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