Oh god, the Pirates.

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Jeffersons POV

Ah, it's been Long since I've stepped into New York. The busy streets, the big crowds, Princeton college swarming with prodigies and students alike. Standing on the boardwalk waiting for the carriage, I see James Madison, my Best Friend. 

"James! How are you?" I start.

"Bad, I'm sick." He says, blowing into his handkerchief. I chuckle.

"Great! So what did I miss? Anything new? Economy doing great? How's Washington?"

"Well," James started. "The Economy's doing fine, Washington's still the same, but..."

"Buuut.... What?" 

"Alexander Hamiton's and his crew started stealing and robbing banks and homes during the night and people have been going missing since then. It's especially hard since he took a bunch more criminals from prison with him." James says looking at his surroundings cautiously.

Alexander Hamilton, the worst pirate of the Carribean. Out lose? Ooh, exciting. I wonder what fake stories the news Writers started with. I bet something like, ' Alexander Hamilton rapes and kills eighteen women' or 'Alexexmander Hamilton punches lawyer to death' exists. My, I bet they'd all believe such stupid stories. I chuckle to myself.

There's an awfully stupid-feeling silence between us for a straight 14 seconds. James adjusts his cravat, awkwardly. 

"Well, splendid! The carriage is here. Well, we best get going. I wouldn't fancy the thought of Mister Washington waiting." I say, trying to escape the awkwardness we've put ourselves into.

"Y-yes. We should get going." Madison sneezes again and we walk towards the carriage.

But out of the blue, all of a sudden-

From the rooftop, someone shoots an arrow a meter from my foot. Standing from his crotch he runs roof across roof, aiming arrows in every direction, causing the crowd to shriek and gasp.

Oh god, the Pirates.

More men came out from hiding against chimneys and roofs, running about like the first and shooting arrows rapidly, and the ones that didn't have bows started jumping down and attacking.

"Quick, Jack! Get The Jefferson!" A heavy Scottish voice said from behind. I look to my side to see James get pulled away by some ruffian, the carriage horses getting hijacked and driven somewhere else.

I look back again to get hit in the back and-


3rd person POV  

Thomas awoke with a jolt. Looking around, it was around sunset. He was on a boat and tied up. He shakes around the chains to squeeze out, he saw James, but he was asleep.

"James!" He cried out. "James wake up!-" 

"Cap'ain, Cap'ain! Pre'y boy's up from his beau'y sleep!~" A mocking, rude voice shouts out.

Thomas tries to escape one more time but no avail. He stares up and glares at the first man he sees.

The intimidatingly lage crew gathers around and chatters.


The crowd stops.

The floorboard creaks at each step. It comes closer and closer, and the crew makes a wide path for who's coming through.

Thomas lowers his head and struggles once more. He looks back up.

A feminine like figure, not too much of a woman steps up to him.

Worn out boots, loose breeches that go well with the green coat he wore, shoulder length hair with a beauty mark under his right eye and the signature pirate hat that showed everyone he's Captain.

"Well, you must be the Thomas Jefferson I've been hearing about recently." He talked in such a gentle yet scary way. "I am Alexander Hamilton."


HI LOVES!!!😚😚😚 I'm Super sorry that I didn't do shit for a while. I was dead inside. School is such a hard thing that existssss

Ugh, anyway, the

ThIs story has Super slow updates, so don't expect too much. I'm also very sorry for how short this is, but maybe next chap it's gonna be longer. 

Thanks for also reading 

. \_/ .


*flies to jupiTERRRRR*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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