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*A week later*

Infantry Training Centre - Preston

2 section were back at base on regimental duties in Preston. They had just returned from a week off on decompression to wind down from the chaotic Bangladesh tour.

Captain James watched everyone arrive, promptly on time, to line up on the parade square. They all looked fresh-faced with pristine ironed uniform and immaculate polished boots. Captain James marched up and down the rows inspecting his section back into duty. When suddenly he stopped and glanced back. Everyone held their breath. "New hair cut, Fingers?" He pointed out, noticing that Fingers looked slightly different to the rugged hair look on tour. Fingers smiled. "New hair, new me boss." He joked. James chuckled and turned to face Kingy. Nodding at him, his Captain signalled that they were all up to the required standard.

A while later, everyone had returned from PT looking rather dead and exhausted - it had been a while since they last trained that intensely. They sat around together in the ante room getting their breath back and having a short break, which James had granted them. Georgie was speaking to Brains when her phone began to ring. She promptly finished her sentence and grabbed her phone from her pocket. Her screen lit up and flashed up a photo of her and Alex together, in what appeared to be a night club setting. They both were beaming with massive grins on their faces. Alex looked rather handsome dressed in a sleek black tuxedo; Georgie noted that she didn't look too shabby herself. "Hello?" She answered, hearing Alex's deep raspy voice in her ear. "Hello Georgie!" He replied sounding upbeat and playful. "Do you want to meet up? I can't stop thinking about last night." He added, cheekily.

Suddenly, Georgie cast her mind back to the events of last night:


Everyone had met up for an informal work gathering at 'Vodka' - the local bar and club. It was strange to see everyone out of uniform and dressed in civvies. James rocked up in a cute salmon coloured shirt and black jeans with a smart belt to hold them up; he sat next to Georgie who looked stunning in a long black play suit with silver gems around the neck and waistline. She topped off the outfit in some spectacular sparkly stilettos.

The club was split into two areas: one side was a bar area and the other was a disco and dance floor. Rab grabbed Maisie's hand and ushered her onto the dance floor as the DJ booth blasted out a dance classic. Maisie reluctantly followed and began to step side to side. "Lighten up Maise we are here for a good time!" Rab shouted over the music whilst trying to get Maisie to relax as he placed his hands on her hips.

Georgie and James sat in the bar area gossiping away. "Look at them two!" James cooed, pointing out that Maisie and Rab had now interlocked lips on the dance floor. Georgie turned her head and smiled. James sipped his beer and glanced around the room. He noticed Monk on the dance floor demonstrating how to do the caterpillar, with a crowd of people acquiring around him. Raising her tone to be heard over the music, Georgie turned to James. "I'm just going to pop to the toilet. I will be back in a sec!" She slid off her chair and placed her phone into her back pocket as she pushed her way across the dance floor to reach the toilets. Watching her leave, James turned and ordered more drinks.

Georgie continued to push through the crowds as she got nearer to the lavatory. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder - she defensively spun around. "Bones?" She was just about able to make out who it was amongst the flashing lights. "How's the night?" Bones replied in a deep but calm voice, putting his hand on her shoulder and looking deeply into her eyes. Georgie nodded her head and smiled. "It's good, I'm not one for dancing, I'm sitting with Charlie at the bar, but it's nice to see everyone enjoying themselves." She smiled and glanced around the club noticing everyone having a good time. "I'm glad to hear it!" Bones replied enthusiastically as he glanced up at a balcony which over looked the club. "Me and the paras are on duty tonight. Ferrying you lot home safely." Georgie looked up to see Spanner and Peanuts leaning over the balcony. "Are you not allowed a drink?" Georgie questioned as Bones chuckled. "Not until you morons are safe!" He grinned. As Alex replied his radio, which was mounted on his shoulder, started bleeping. "Anyway, the boys need me so I best be off. Let me know when you are leaving." He smiled as he rushed off back into the crowd.

An hour later, Georgie was ready to leave. "I'm off now Charlie." She announced as she went in for a hug and planted a kiss on his cheek. "See you later, Lane." He replied. "Let the Paras know you are leaving." He told her, as he waved goodbye. Georgie downed the last dregs of her drink before she made her way up to the balcony. Bones was leaning against the railings alongside Spanner and Peanuts as Georgie walked past. "I'm off now guys! Have a good night!" She called. Raising her hand at them as she left, Bones stopped her. "Are you going alone?" He asked compassionately, unable to pull his eyes away from how amazing she looked. Georgie nodded as he promptly pulled his car keys from his pocket. "I will drop you off, then I know you got home alright." He stated adamantly. Before Georgie could object he began to follow her. Calling over his shoulder to the rest of the Paras, he smiled smugly. "Hold the fort guys, I will be back in a bit!"

Bones escorted Georgie out of the club and through the car park, until they got to a black jeep that was issued to him for his work. Georgie jumped in the passengers seat as he turned the key in the ignition. The club was not far from Georgie's house so the car journey wasn't very long. Minutes later the car pulled up outside Georgie's family home. Alex undone his seatbelt and turned to face Georgie, gesturing that they had arrived. "Thank you Alex, it was very kind of you to drop me off." Georgie smiled sweetly as she thanked him. Alex placed his hand on the steering wheel. "'s the least I can do." he replied. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you Georgie." He admitted sincerely, beginning to crack a smile.

Georgie looked back at him for a while. "It is just my job." She was flattered but tried to remain humble. "I really think you are a special person Lane." Alex looked at Georgie in lust and instantly regretted it. "I..mean..a brilliant medic.." He stumbled for words, as once again he tried to withhold any emotion.

Georgie chuckled. "You didn't think that when you first met me in Bangladesh!" She retorted. Alex bit down hard on his lip as the smug look on his face grew. "But I know you now Georgie." He spoke softly. Georgie didn't know how to reply; she smiled and got lost in his deep green eyes, before she brought herself back to reality. Opening the car door and stepping out, she briefly turned back to kiss him goodbye on the cheek.

Instantly, all of the blood rushed to his cheeks as he turned a bright red tomato colour, his heart skipped a beat and all words were stolen from his mouth. Flustered, he called after her "B..Bye!" he stuttered.

As she strutted up to her front door and let herself in, he waved from the car - every muscle in his body still twitching. As soon as she closed the door behind her a massive grin was painted across his face.

As he pulled back into the car park he couldn't stop beaming from ear to ear - his attempt to charm Georgie had seemed to have the desired effect.

*Flashback ends*

Georgie couldn't stop herself from smiling, there definitely was something there between her and Alex. She wasn't quite sure what it was, but the Bangladesh tour had brought them closer.

"Sure!" She replied meekly. "We could meet up some time tomorrow." She stated before telling him a time that she was available. Alex's grin widened on the other side of the phone. "Great. See you then." Putting the phone down, he fist bumped the air.

Alex couldn't believe his luck.

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