For Mercy

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For a hunter as young as Mercy, making it to her 21st birthday was a victory all on its own. And to celebrate she wanted to get drunk, okay, just flat out wasted.

She survived six years of hell by herself until she met Rodin (who was fresh out of hell himself) and then eventually Sam, Dean, and Castiel a few years later; then by principal the fucking Devil himself as well as the other archangels. 

For now, though, all she wanted to do was drag her mute partner out to the closest bar and wake up the next day hating life a lot more than usual. 

Even with Rodin's silent protesting, over the years she has mastered the language of Red's Eyebrows, their endeavor finally lead them to Miami because halfway to Cincinnati she suddenly felt the urge for palm trees and a fresh salty ocean breeze. 

What she got was damn near suffocating humidity, copious shady and smelly back alleys, and a tropical storm that was due to hit within the next three hours. 

But it didn't matter to her, it was her birthday, that and they took Rodin's car because it has the best gas mileage. The red-headed man glared ice-blue daggers at Mercy after he parked his beloved 71 Camaro (stolen from a rich asshole that refused to pay their fee after they exorcised his mansion and he figured out they weren't actually a priest and nun from a visiting church) somewhere that it was less likely to be damaged from the storm.

When they entered the nearest bar they were immediately hit with the smell of sweat, vomit, and alcohol and Rodin shoved his phone into her face a few seconds later. I don't like this place. It smells like shit and it's too loud. He had written, and Mercy shrugged. 

"You'll put up with it because you love me," she smirked and Rodin retracted his phone from her face, rolling his eyes as he did so, before turning it back to her again a second later with a tight smile. Like a sister. 

Mercy walked over to the bar while Rodin found a table by the dance floor and she ordered a tray of shots with a smile on her face, once she got them he headed back with a giddy tingle spreading out from her core to the tips of her finger and toes. "Ya girl is finally of age!" She shouted when she finally got to the table Rodin had picked out, she set down the tray and Rodin took up one of the glasses and sniffed it before he pulled away instantly. The redhead's lips pulled back up in a grimace and glared at the glass like it offended him before he typed something down on his phone and showed it to her. 

We're not drinking all of this by ourselves! 

He glared when Mercy pouted and when he didn't let up she groaned. "Fine! Call the others!" she said before knocking back a shot that tasted like watermelon and making her way to the dance floor alone.

Two hours later she was pushing the border of tipsy and she had also managed to make Rodin choke down a few shots by then as well.

Sam, Dean, and Castiel had arrived half an hour ago soon followed by Jo and then not far behind her were Lucifer and the other Archangels. The song had changed to something fast and upbeat and she and Rodin were on the dance floor almost instantly, but the entire time she was dancing she felt eyes on her back.

After two songs and three more drinks, Mercy was effectively drunk and having the time of her life dancing with a stranger. She may or may not have seen Rodin caught between Jo and Michael as the three danced to the song playing at the moment but hey, who's she to judge.

She was still dancing when she turned and her already unfocused gaze lined up with Lucifer's own. He was standing at the bar and looking a mix of amused and unimpressed and before she could stop herself, she was right in front of him. Lucifer looked down at her, amused as she stared up at him with squinted eyes. 

"Need something?" He asked.

"You were looking at me... why?" she slurred, being drunk will do that to you but it didn't deter her from wanting an explanation. 

Lucifer just scoffed and smirked, setting his drink down and clasping his hands together. "Just watching out for you, that's what friends do isn't it?" 

Mercy squinted a little harder. In all honesty, she didn't mean to glare, she and Lucifer had been getting closer as of late. Maybe a little too close but hey, Sam's not the only one who's fucked with a demon before, and it's not like Dean and Castiel are subtle. Even Rodin and Jo have been getting a little friendly as of late. 

"Ah to hell with it." (haha, that's right Puns bitch)

Mercy surged forward suddenly and crushed their lips together. Lucifer made a surprised noise but time found him leaning into the kiss as well, hands settled at Mercy's hips before he pulled away.

"Well now, now. It would be ungentlemanly of me to take advantage of you while you are--"

"Shut up, Lucifer," Mercy sighed before kissing him again.

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