A Hint Chapter 2

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Jumins PoV

I gave her a hint. My company name(?) C&R a simple clue. Her drawings that showed up on my skin suddenly stopped. I assume she saw it, I also assume she's a bit surprised years of nothing and now this, I hope she hasn't given up, I truly do. I observed the drawing she was working on, it was a flower in metallic gold it was truly beautiful the flower looked like Hindi art but it was a bit more perfect. Hindi is a bit more flowing and her gold is a bit darker. strangely giving it more pop. I loved her work, not just because she's my soulmate, I got to see her evolve to the person she is today, maybe not physically but in a sense. A few minutes later I saw something appear under my note, initials that said (enter preferred school name)

"Assistant Kang"

"Yes, Mr.Han"

"Please do some research on what (school name) is"

"yes sir"

Time Skip to after work

A sigh of annoyance left my pursed lips, as MC started agreeing with her soulmate Seven, Yoosung started talking about his soulmate (F/N), Zen was going on about acting and his soulmate and my assistant Jahee was probably drooling over his photos. But what really angered me, was Seven kept asking about my soulmate. before anyone could say anything, I left the chat room. I let out another sigh as I got into bed waiting for morning to come.


He gave me a hint, I gave him a hint. Simple as that. I don't really know what to think, I mean I know what C&R is, and who the director is, Jumin Han. But sadly I know it's not him, he is one of the HOTTEST boys I ever saw, two look at me!!! why would fate give me the honour of him being my soulmate? I decided to look at some of his top employees, most of them are like 40 and married. Next, I looked at his assistant Jahee Kang she was cute I will admit that, but (f/n) felt a connection with Yoosung. I, however, am not feeling it. I just don't get why you would put the initials of your job if you're a bottom feeder. Whatever, I don't care anymore.

"Hey, Girl Hey" (f/n) waltzed into the dorm, I told her ALLL about what just happened. She listened with a focused look on her face. "Well maybe it is Jumin Han," she said "How so?"

"Well, one, you are the greatest one out of everyone in the school,"


"two, you're the smartest"

"Absolutely not"

"and three, you're REALLY pretty"

"NO NO NO, all of what your saying is not true!!!"

"Yes it is"

"whatever I'm going outside I need air" I ran out the door the cold night air hitting my skin, I took a deep breath my breath looking like smoke as I exhaled. it took me a while to realize the (f/n) could be right who else would it be, I mean I haven't felt a spark like when I first heard of Jumin Han. I decided to do something bold. I took out the black marker I kept in, my back pocket, I felt the tip of the marker lay down on my skin as I spelt out two letters, (your initials).

A/N wow this took me a while hoping you guys enjoyed love ya lots BIEEEE

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