Chp 7. the transfer student...

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"My name's Beatriz, nice to meet you," said the new transfer student whilst smiling very smug at me at me. I trembled in hands couldn't stop shaking... "Psst...Alice, you alright?" Whispered Tyrone from across the classroom.

I nodded...well he obviously knew I was lying and furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you Alice? Remember me from primary?" Said Beatriz from the front of the classroom.

Everyone turned around to look at me and that was when I collapsed in class... I woke up and I found myself in the infirmary.

I sat up straight away from the bed I was laying on and I looked around to see no one in the infirmary room. Why, when and how did Beatriz find out which high school I go to?

She was the worst person at my old high school and now she came to haunt me. Whoop whoop, yay me...Now, what will happen?

I mean Beatriz and Bianca don't look they would get along with each other so what will happen to me next?

"ALICEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Bella as she bashed open the door to give me a lovable bear hug. "OMG, you were out for 2 periods," cried Bella.
"Wait, hahaha...WTF 2 periods oh man I'm gonna mess up my school records," I sighed. Bella was the only one that visited me and as for Claire, Elise and the rest, they didn't bother.

Lucy also came to visit me a few minutes after Bella came. I was really happy that they came to visit me. Tyrone then came in to visit me after Bella and Lucy had left and he looked a bit upset.

He sat on my bed and he said: "Alice, do you really think Bianca and I are dat-," "Ty, honey where are you?" screamed Bianca through the halls during our long lunch break.

"HOLY SHII I SWEAR SHE'S STALKING ME," whispered Tyrone as he quickly jumped off the bed and he slid under it.

Bash, went the door as Bianca whipped it open as loud and possible. "Hey you, did your brain fail to stay awake? Or has it already died inside? Maybe that's why you collapsed," said Bianca whilst smirking like a lunatic.

I just smiled instead of saying anything back. "Did you hear me? are you deaf?" said Bianca as she leaned in closer to shove my shoulder.

I didn't reply and then she said "Tyrone is my bae, don't even talk and touch him you wench, we kissed when you left last time, even ask him, we did it,"

I tried my best to ignore what she had just said and I forgot that Tyrone was underneath my bed I was on. I don't know what the frick he was doing but he was listening to all this crud Bianca was saying.

I had the urge to slap some sense into her, but I remained cool and just smiled at her. Bianca then got agitated at me and leaned in to choke me. She grabbed my throat then doosh, someone entered the infirmary.

"Ali I got you some food and...oh my god, what the fu#k are you doing Bianca," said Ryder whilst walking in. "Umm, I was just fixing her hair," cried Bianca whilst trying to sound as innocent as possible.

I was really pissed off at Bianca, my head was spinning but I decided to leave the infirmary. Once I stepped out of the infirmary, I lost my sense of direction and I started walking like a drunk person down the hallway.

People were staring at me with worried expressions until thud. My body just gave up on me. I was lying dead on the floor and I was sent to the hospital. Wow what a day, nothing better than to have millions of people in your infirmary room screaming shouting and accusing each other.

As I was laying in my hospital bed, I was worrying about Beatriz so bad...what was she doing at my school and how did she find me? I highly doubt it was a coincidence that she came just in time for camp...which is in around 1 week.

Claire and Bianca...Claire was by my side and I had no freaking idea that she had a crush on Ryder. My brain started to hurt because I was thinking too much. Today is a Friday so I don't have to worry about school for the next two days. I guess I can just doze off now to relieve my headache.

Time Skip to Monday~
I went to school early today. Everyone was crowding around Beatriz. I knew Beatriz is evil...She's two-faced and evil. What will she do to me at camp? Push me off the flying fox without a harness? Drown me?

If I remember correctly, at my old high school, I was popular and everyone adored and loved me but no one knew or liked Beatriz. Even though she was from America, no one was really fond of her.

Suddenly a wave of jealousy overcame her and she resorted to dirty tricks to get rid of me or make everyone hate and turn on me.

I remember correctly, there was this one time when we had swimming lessons, I hurt my ankle badly so I sat on the side of the pool and Beatriz walked past and shoved me hard into the pool.

I couldn't kick my legs properly so I started drowning...The lifeguard saved me but when I said Beatriz did it, no one really wanted to believe me.

A week after that, Beatriz started spreading nasty rumours about me and she made fake evidence to support that rumour. I was done with her so I decided to move to this school! Keys of Steria.

Now Beatriz has come to this school and there's also Bianca...Both of them have something in common and that was hating me. I'm starting to get scared because I made all of these bonds and I don't want them to break anytime soon.

"Ali!" called Ryder as he came over to me and pat me on the head. I was waiting outside of the locker areas since it was locked cause I was early. "How have you been?" asked Ryder casually.

I responded with "I'm just stressed but it's been okay I guess," I then saw Tyrone and was going to run over to him but Ryder grabbed me by the shoulder and he leaned his head onto my head.

"Ack I'm sooooooo tired, let me lean on you a bit cause you're so short,' laughed Ryder. "W-w-waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait!!! I'm not that short FYI! I'm only 156cm," I yelled as I pouted at him upside down.

"A-Alice?" called Tyrone when he reached the locker area. I looked over to him and I had just remembered that Ryder was leaning on my head.

Ooof...well this is an awkward situation..."Wow look who it is!" called a voice from behind Ryder and I, it was Bella. She was pointing gun fingers at me and I just laughed.

"Bahaha, you're so short that you're the perfect height for Ryder to lean his head on," laughed Bella. "What a shortie," exclaimed Tyrone whilst laughing. Nearly my whole 'gang' was here and they made my morning.

I had just realised that I was standing near the stairs with Ryder and then this Bianca had to ruin my morning..."OMG, Look, she's so ugly," called Bianca whilst cat-walking down the stairs with her group of friends.

She was swinging a bottle of cranberry juice in her hand and it wasn't shut properly pshhhhh was also carbonated!!!!! It ended up spraying all over my cute pastel pink crop top...

My crop top gets see-through whenever it gets wet...Uh-oh...Idk...Maybe it's karma for not wearing my school shirt, I did wear the school skirt though, does that count?!

💖 thank you for all the support 💖

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