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The walk to the nearest river is so far , i even begged osupa to carry me, he told me the journey is to be done without help, if she finds out we would rewalk the round 18 times. gush she is so mean,  on getting to the river i found out the place was so cold and silent, as if no one ever existed, one thing about this is goddess is that she does not do anything for free, you must pay a sacrifice , for instance take a look at Moremi, she paid with her son. that was dreadful, I wonder what my own price will be .

as silent as the river could be, i watched how she came out, slowly she never announces her entrance, she is just as calm as ever then she spoke

" i know why you have journeyed this far i will protect you and the unborn child on one condition "

as i thought ..her bargain.....then i spoke .. " on what condition"

"that till the day of this child birth you are not to bathe with our native black soap and the sacrifice for me is that you are to give birth to twins you will bring the second born as a peace offering to me"

it was osupa that talked this time ... "why the child why not sheeps cows and goats as many as you want"

"osupa my friend if i wanted a barn, i would have asked eledumare to create more animals for me, osupa you alone know that".

your wish is our command 

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