The door leading to possible death

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A misty fog begins to clear as I step into another part of the wood, all alone I hear a noise, I turn my head trying to work out where it had come from. Not being able to see little due to the slight mist fallen rain had left the night before, walking closer towards some trees looking for somewhere I could possibly have a rest for a few moments as I felt I had been walking for hours maybe even days.

As I draw closer, hearing a noise getting louder & louder as I take my every step, it was then I spotted a tiny door hidden away in a tree,altough having visited this wood thousands of times as it was my favourite spot to play as a child I'd never encountered this door before. Although I didn't know it yet this door was about to change my life forever, my mind at this point was simply telling me that this door had been put there for children to make them believe it was some sort of enchanted door leading to fairyland. Drawing nearer & nearer now almost standing under the tree I begin hear what seems to me as some sort of cry for help.

Maybe a small animal had been hiding away from the cold & got stuck ,I then decided that whatever it was I couldn't just leave it trapped inside a tree,altough  this tree was pretty big & I was sure that the creature would be okay as long as it had food. But it might not & it still seemed wrong to me to leave it there to die all alone.

I carefully opening the door making sure to be as gentle as possible so whatever was trapped didn't see me as a threat or get freighted, giving me a chance to not only free it but also take it home if it needed extra care to get better.

My first peak inside this door only revealed a small whole in the tree, I turn to walk away then suddenly I was blinded by a light brighter than any light I've ever seen before.

I awake in a room, a room full of wires that I'm hooked up to, I start to hear voices coming from outside the room. I hear someone saying that they can't keep me here forever & whatever they were doing was cruel. But another one disagreeing telling them that anything they could find out by doing these tests or asking questions was worth it, then they could just kill me when they had all the information they needed. One even said that they should just kill me now to get it over with.

I then started to panic but reassured myself that I must just be in a dream. I was taken out of my thoughts' by a small fairy dressed from top to toe in black entered the room, flying over to my bed.

Beginning to speak she tells me that she's the queen of her land, I was now in she goes on to tell me that all her people are dying as children are now spending more and more time online or watching T.V than they are reading fairy tales meaning they've stopped believing in magic. She also tells me how her daughter used to be best friends with a human child who she played with almost everyday. Until one day when they were playing together, two human boys came along,. Scoped up her daughter to her over to a nearby well & dunked her in.

Killing her child, the human girl just stood back doing nothing to try to help, I had a gut feeling that this queen didn't know the full story & that her child wasn't actually dead but I didn't know how to tell her that especially after she started to tell me about her plans to lure unexpected people into her trap by calling out for help. Then to knock them out using a dazzlingly bright light after they had fallen for it. She then planned to do tests on them so she could find out as much as possible about the human world. Making it easier for her to take over,killing an entire human race just as they had killed her daughter.

I didn't think this lady was truly evil but I understood why she wanted to be, she was convinced a human had killed her daughter, I didn't believe this was true, I felt like there was something she didn't know, only I wasn't sure what that was but I was sure she was only evil because she felt our world had been cruel, she felt she needed to do whatever it took to not only prove a point but to make everyone suffer in a similar way, she wanted to hurt others, she thought it seemed right, she obviously thought that by doing this they would understand her pain but she was so blinded by grief that she wasn't thinking straight. I begged her to let me go back to my own daughter who would now be all alone & confused as why I hadn't returned home.

She refused to let this happen, even having goblins guard my bed every second so there was no chance of me getting anywhere, Finally at around midnight when I had completely given up hope I heard a noise, a tap tap taping sound, realizing the goblins had fallen asleep I got out of bed, pulling off as many wires as possible in the process.

following the sound I noticed that sitting on the window pane was the most magnificent bird I'd ever seen it looked as if there was something attached to its neck. Opening the window being as quite as possible I found a piece of paper on a string attached to the birds tiny feet. I untied it & opened up the paper, revealing a map.

Slightly confused I thank the bird as he flies away, With the bird now gone I take the map back to my bed, wires still dragging around my feet I start to study the map to realise I've never seen any of these locations before. Confused & exhausted from the days events I tuck the map under my pillow. Saving it for the morning when hopefully my head would be clearer.

Little did I know & what I found out later was that my daughter not being able to get hold of me travelled to her friends house who's parents kindly took her in, the two friends had spent all night trying to track me down, having nearly lost hope as I also had they received the same map from the same bird only my daughter is so much smarter than me. She noticed the X in the middle of the map. There map also came with a note attached explaining where I was along with the fairy queens story, it also told of what was going to happen if they didn't come to rescue me as soon as possible.

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