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Inseong woke up with a slight headache but he was feeling giddy and on top of the world so it doesn't really matter. He went about his morning routing with a spring in his step, excited to meet up with Dawon. The hours went by fast and then, it was already 12 noon and still, there was no sign of Dawon. Inseong was starting to think that it was an alcohol-induced dream brought about by his fascination with a young man in a crowd. He brought his fingers to his lips - the kiss felt so real and if he thought about it hard enough, he could still taste Dawon on his tongue.

A hand on the small of his back brought him to reality.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

That voice. Inseong turned to his right and there was Dawon and he was real and beside him. Inseong gathered the man in a tight hug, not wanting to let go.

"You're here. You're real! Thank god!" he whispered.

Dawon patted his back. "Why? What's wrong? I just... woke up late," Dawon answered.

Inseong pulled back but kept his hands on Dawon's shoulder. " I was- it thought it was just a dream. I thought that I just... conjured you up and the kiss.. and-"

Dawon grabbed the lapels of his jacket and brought their lips together. "I'm here, Inseong-ah. And it's all real," he said.

Inseong smiled, his heart going into overdrive by that one kiss.


Inseong was starting to get annoyed. Every time he is with Dawon, someone always comes up to him. Can't they just leave him alone with this amazing guy? They both turned towards the newcomer and Inseong wished that the ground would swallow him whole then and there upon recognizing the man.

"Mr. Kang! I-I didn't know you'd come!" he exclaimed. He glanced apologetically at Dawon and in an instant was back to his professional self. He shook the guy's hand and exchanged pleasantries.

"By the way, this is... uhm," He looked to Dawon for help not knowing how to introduce him but Dawon was already shaking Mr. Kang's hand.

"It's nice to meet you, sir. My name's Lee Dawon and I'm OSM Media's head designer and also, Inseong's boyfriend."

Inseong looked down at the ground, feeling his cheeks burn as Mr. Kang turned to him with a chuckle.

"Maybe you should bring him to dinner tonight, Inseong? I would like to get to know more about this man who charmed you,"

The dinner! He totally forgot about that! Inseong's eyes widened in alarm and he was speechless for a moment.

"Uhmm, sir, thank you for the invite," he heard Dawon say. "But, we'll respectfully decline. We have other plans for this evening." The way Dawon emphasized the word 'plans' made Inseong blush much deeper.

Mr. Kang looked at them knowingly. "Okay then, you two lovebirds have fun. But if you change your minds, the offer still stands," he replied.

"Thank you so much, sir," Dawon said with a bow.

Mr. Kang patted Inseong on the shoulder before going on his way.

"Come on or else you'll be late for the panel," Dawon said, grabbing his hand and tugging at it lightly but Inseong remained rooted to the spot.

"Babe!? What's wrong?" Dawon asked looking back at him.


Inseong sighed and raised his hands, "Woah, woah, wait. Babe?" he asked incredulously.

"Oh, I'm sorry. it just... felt natural, I guess," Dawon replied absently.

Inseong shook his head. "And you just introduced yourself as my boyfriend! in front of my boss!"

"Well, that... I was gonna ask you out to dinner tonight and then ask you if you would want to date me. I just assumed you'd say yes... You'll say yes, right?" he asked, suddenly uncertain. Dawon started to run his fingers through his hair and his shoulders looked tensed.

"Of course I'll say yes!" Inseong said but that wasn't really his point.

Dawon sighed in relief, his eyes shining brighter than before. "Wow, okay that good!" He said. "That's all I need to know,"

Inseong looked at Dawon, the warm feeling in his chest spreading all throughout his body. And then a thought hit him with such a force that he almost staggered backwards.

And you're all I'll ever need.

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