Nix is a Naughty Kitty

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(A Story About 'My Cat', just for you @RowanFox1227)

also, sorry ive been gone for so long, i had stuff to do... basically school and trying to get my room ready for Halloween... i know its a long ways off (not rly, but kinda) but i gatta get it done now or its never gonna get done (sorry for the crapy English... anyway, on with the story!)

I wake up feeling like I'm being watched... I'm about to roll over onto my other side to get a better look around the room, but hear a small twinkle, like a tiny bell being rung. I stiffen and try not to move. The Beast has entered the room...

I breath shallowly and try to be a still and silent as possible, thinking back to the night before... did I realy forget to close the door?

I'm thrown from my thoughts as a creak sounds through my room, It stepped on one of the creaky floorboards by my bed. I know what's going to happen before it happens, but I'm still shocked when it does happen.

There is a tense silence and then all of a sudden I feel the force of a rocket smash into my back, shoving me into the wall that I'm facing.

"Oww you little piece of-" I roll over to find a tarried black cat with one green eye and one blue eye staring at me. He looks stunned and then meows at me and walks over to lick my face. 

"No," I say quickly, pulling my hands up to my face to stop the cat form succeeding in murdering my face with its tongue. Nix doesn't even care though, he just proceeds to lick my hands, his sand papery tongue scraping across my skin.

"Go away," I say after like a minute and he's still licking my hands. I shove him off my bed and pull the covers up over my head and lay very still. I hear and offended meow from the floor and then a jingle from Nix's collar as he trots out of the room.

I breath a sigh of relief and try to go back to sleep. 

But then I heat the jingle approach again, only slower as if he's trying to sneak or dragging something behind him. "Dang it Nix, go away!" I explode, throwing the covers off and catching the cat in the act of dragging two dead squirrels into my room. "What the heck? How did you even manage and why me of all the people here?"

I get out of my bed and Nix runs, leaving the two dead squirrels for me to clean up. He's probably going to go cause more messes for me to clean up throughout the house. 

I stare down at the two dead squirrels lying on my bedroom floor, their necks obviously snapped and luckily for me they are not bleeding all over. I don't even know what to do with them. And I don't want to even try to figure out how Nix snapped two squirrels necks... I mentally apologize to all the people that might hear about this later in my life. But thankfully they don't smell bad, so that's good.

I retreat back into my room to grab a plastic bag (yes I keep plastic bags in my room. Now the real question here is why don't you?) and put my hand in it and use it like a glove to pick up the dead squirrels and flipped the bag inside out so they were still inside and then tie the straps of the bag together and run out of my room to put then into the garbage can in the kitchen down the hallway.

When I return back to my room I find Nix sitting on my bed, scratching at my pillows. "GET!" I shout at Nix. He looks over at me and appears to be thinking... then he squats on a torn up pillows and pees on it.

I scream bloody murder and chuck a random book at him (it was actually a library copy of Ready Player One, which is a great book I recommend). He dodges it and runs from the room, running into the wall across from my open door.

I rush to my pillow and pluck it from my bed then promptly open the  window in my room and chuck it out the window. What? Some nice squirrels might need it or something... anyways I don't want it anymore.

I run out of the room and close the door behind me, making sure that its shut this time and run into my sister who is holding Nix fondly.

"OH NO, NOW THE DEVIL HAS A SERVANT!" I shout dramatically, pointing at the duo.

"I know, he does my bidding." She pets the devil cat fondly, giving me an evil look.

"I was actually calling you his servant, but whatever toots your horn," I respond and sprint back down the hallway and into my room, locking the door behind me so save myself from being murdered viciously.

and that it for today, i literally don't know what i'm doing with my life anymore, so i hope you enjoyed reading that... so ill be back next time with a new update, and have a good day all, don't forget to poke that star in the top right corner and follow me if you haven't already, that's greatly appreciated and  i love feed back so the comments section is away open... buh-bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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