Chapter 4: First Drop

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Chapter 4

Jarmil was starting to really miss Renata's company, and Macey's couldn't even compare to hers. As the first seven days of summer past, he found himself hanging out more and more with the darkness of the night. It was the only time he really felt at peace now that he couldn't be with his best friend, his only friend left since then. But it was starting to scare him; he's been having those dreams every night now. They even come more in visions while he's awake.

Gareth told Jarmil that he should start keeping a diary of what he sees in those visions; he says that it might help him figure out what they were telling him, to help him figure out why he lost his voice. Jarmil hopes it does, he's getting sick of writing every single thing down all of the time.

He sat on a tree branch, starring at all the other orphans as they played some sport. He was always the odd one out, the one nobody wanted to play with. And it was just because they think he was strange, dangerous. He doesn't understand why though. Do they know something about his past that he doesn't remember? If they do… he wished they would tell him. He's sick of being left alone in the dark.

Getting up and walking to Gareth's room, he passed the Lily of the Valley flowers again. They didn't seem to be helping him anymore. Just making it harder for him. He's glad he didn't decide to place on in his room… they'll probably just give him even more nightmares.

Maybe he was just getting immune to them, that it was because he has been around them too much. He guessed that he was just gonna have to stay away from them for a while, until he felt like they would help him again.

Jarmil was going to his room because he just wanted to ride around town on his bike; it helped get his mind off of things as he had to concentrate on not getting ran over by a car.

Once he reached Gareth's room he went in, not knocking, like always. Gareth was lying in his bed reading some small, thin, green book. He looked up then got off of his bed, after setting his book on the nightstand; he walked over to the desk. "Do you want to go riding again?" His voice sounded worn out, and his eyes drooped slightly.

Nodding, Jarmil went over to the desk and held his wrist out.

Gareth shook his head slightly. "You can't go today. The police want to have a meeting with you."

Huh!? He backed up a couple steps in shock. Why do they want to see me?

The expression on the owner's face changed into one of guilt. "They are gonna come here in an hour," he paused and took a deep breath. "After nearly a year, they have finally found out how one of your family members died. They want to discuss it with you. Privately."

After a few minutes of silence Jarmil nodded slowly. He was about to turn around and leave the room silently when Gareth called him back.


He turned his head and looked over his shoulder at Gareth, cocking his head to the side.

"I'm not done yet. There are still a few more things I want to say." He walked back over to his bed and sat down, patting the area next to him. He wanted Jarmil to sit.

Walking over there he did what he was told.


"Are you sure you understand what I mean?" Gareth asked for the third time.

Jarmil nodded for the third time. Yeah, I understand. But why do you want me to say all the made up stuff, and do all that stuff that I wouldn't normally do? It was confusing me a bit. But… maybe it's for my own protection, or it's just the way police expect you to act like around them

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