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The moonlight spreads across the plateau in sheets, a jagged black shadow showing where the peak of the mountain blocks its path. The world is dark and still, silence reigning the mountain and the forest below.

Hidden in the darkness, showing only as a deeper patch of shadow, is the mouth of a cave.

Silver eyes glitter as the wolf steps forward, placing his paws carefully, making barely a sound. His pack follows behind him, staring into the night.

The lead wolf sets his paws at even spacing at the edge of the plateau, raises his head, and howls. The sound rings throughout the forest, echoing among the trees, long and low and mournful. Normally, the Wolf-song is a happy thing, full of energy and the joy of living. But not this time. This time, the Alpha sings in grief for the dry, cracked rock beneath his paws; for the space by a she-wolfs side where her cub should be. For the prey slowly disappearing from the forest. For the browning leaves on the trees, and the way he can already smell the days heat arriving on the air.

Birds stir in their nests, fluffing their feathers and keeing slightly. Down under the trees, a fox lifts its head and looks to the mountain.

Gradually, after waiting a respectful few moments, the pack joins their leader. Their individual voices wind and tangle - the elders, a husky almost-purr; the cubs, a thin high warble. Leaves rustle down in the forest as a slight breeze starts up, ruffling the wolves fur.

The leader breaks off, staring down into the darkness beneath the trees. A shadow is walking there - huge and black as pitch, tail lashing behind it. The wolves can see the glint of eyes, the movement of the tail, but the rest of the creatures body has melted into the blackness. The thing stops, looking toward them. It narrows its eyes, dipping its head just once, and disappears into the night. 

The breeze is still blowing, and the leaders fur spikes as he realizes that the shadow had no scent.

Had no scent.

Left no trace.


Just as the cub had been gone.

Just as the rains had gone.

Just as the prey was going.

Just as the wolves knew they, too, would soon have to leave. And everything would change.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2018 ⏰

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