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My vision cleared up.I saw a room with a faded wallpaper and a few toys gathered in a pile.I saw a little girl ,crying on her bed .As I got closer, she lifted her face from her hands.I jumped back .She had the same face as me... I screamed in shock but she didn't seem to hear me.Then I heard it, the reason she was crying.Two voices shouting at each other in the distance.
Sound of a glass breaking.And more fighting.I was able to understand a few words from behind the closed door."I'm leaving!" "You don't have the guts to." With every word the girl cried louder.I took a deep breath and looked around.The room I was ,in was the room I remember from my childhood but, I can't remember this memory.In fact, I can not recall my parents fighting at all.All I remember is my father gone.Why could I not remember them fighting?I turn to the littler girl.She's whispering something.I lean closer and I hear her saying, this is all okay this is all okay over and over again.When the voices calmed down, she got off her bed and walked towards the desk ,in the corner of the room.I looked over.She grabbed the scissors , some cardboard and a bit of glue.Soon enough there was a tiny house standing in front of my eyes.
Now ... I remember.My brain blocked it all out, I suppose.
As soon as I remembered,the girl looked at me and smiled."Thank you, she said.My eyelids got heavy and my feet weak.The ,now, familiar room was sunk in darkness.

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