Chapter 1

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"Hello Hopes Peak Academy pupils~!"

That eery voice.. it's the same one I heard on the monitor! Everyone turned their attention to the stage, as a half black, half white bear popped out of the curtains and posed. "...Is this a joke?" Someone said from the group. "Haha! A joke? Whaddaya mean? This isn't a joke!" The stuffed bear chuckled. Our eyes were widened, we couldn't believe what we were seeing. I mean a stuffed animal talking? Never heard of it! "I bet you're all wondering why you woke up in this mysterious place~~ well.. THIS IS A SANCTUARY. Uh but I mean, it does have quite a few teeny tiny changes!" You tilted your head. A girl from the crowd spoke up, "Uhm, so what exactly happened..? I remember walking into Hopes Peak, but nothing afterwards." Thats right... that's exactly what happened to me..
The bear giggled, "you'll find out as time progresses I'm sure of it!" The girl that was arguing earlier stood up, "What do you mean 'as time progresses'? I'm supposed to be going to Hopes Peak Academy! I'm not supposed to be in some sanctuary!" She crosses her arms. "Well let's just say, this is sorta like a hiatus from.. hmm... life?" He giggled.
"But also.. a painful/exciting hiatus!~" the girl scoffed, "Painful?" "Yep! If I may, I can explain why this Sanctuary isn't particularly like other Sanctuaries!" He cleared his throat, if he even had one, and said something we all were not expecting. "WELCOME TO THE KILLING GAME OF HOPES PEAK SANCTUARY!!" He cheered.
We all were silent trying to comprehend what came out of his mouth. Killing game? What the hell is that?! "Lemme explain!~ Basically, this 'Sanctuary' will be the location of one of the many killing games!! You all will be participating, whether you end up being a victim or the culprit until only two people are left! Each time someone perishes, you all will have to investigate and go to the infamous class trial where you and the blackened will face off in an intense debate. You will have to vote which person is the blackened in those trials, if you vote the wrong one the blackened will get to graduate! Basically they get to leave this place. But.. the other students will have to be painfully punished. But if you all vote for the right person, only the blackened will be punished and your sanctuary life will go on." We all couldn't speak, we didn't know what to say. "Oh also! The blackened could have an accomplice, but only and ONLY will the blackened be punished. The rest of the rules will be in your all's Monopads, I advise you all to follow them unless you want to be the first one executed!~"
Monopad..? "Oh yeah! You all can find your Monopads in your very own temporary household! Each house is designed to fit the persons talent! So I hope you all can at least find peace when you're in your own house! Well unless someone breaks in at night or something to kill ya! Anyways, I should be getting the trial room ready for the first trial! I'll explain more about the trial when we get to one~! Toodles!" The stuffed bear disappeared, leaving everyone in disbelief.

After that, no one talked. We all just got up and walked out one by one. When you got to your 'Temporary home' you found a tablet like item on the coffee table in the living room. When You turned it on, it displayed your name on the screen and then went to a home screen with only a few tabs. You clicked on the rules tab and scrolled through the rules.

Rule #1: Students may reside only within the sanctuary. Leaving the sanctuary is an unacceptable use of time.
Rule #2:  "Nighttime" is from 10 pm to 7 am. Some areas are off-limits at night, so please exercise caution.
Rule #3: With minimal restrictions, you are free to explore the Sanctuary at your discretion.
Rule #4: Violence against headmaster Monokuma is strictly prohibited, as is destruction of surveillance cameras.
Rule #5: Anyone who kills a fellow student and becomes "blackened" will graduate, unless they are discovered.
Rule #6: Once a murder takes place, a class trial will begin shortly thereafter. Participation is mandatory for all surviving students.
Rule #7: If the guilty party is exposed during the class trial, they alone will be executed.
Rule #8: If the guilty party is not exposed, they alone will graduate, and all remaining students will be executed.
Rule #9: The guilty party may only kill a maximum of two people during any single "Killing Game."
Rule #10: Monokuma will never directly participate in a murder.
Rule #11: Your Monopads are very important items. Make sure you do not damage them.
Rule #12: A body discovery announcement will occur when three or more students discover a body.
Rule #13: Students who violate these rules will be exterminated with extreme prejudice.
Rule #14: If two different murders by two different murderers occur at the same time, only the one whose victim was found first will be the blackened.
Rule #15: if the murderer has an accomplice, only the murderer will be punished. The accomplice is let off Scott's free!
Rule #16: The headmaster may add additional regulations to this list at any time.

Monokuma? So that's its name.. you laid the Monopad back down on the coffee table and sunk into a nearby cushioned chair.

A few hours later, while thinking things through, you heard a monitor turn on. You looked over in the corner of the living room
"Ahem~! Hopes Peak Academy pupils~! It is now 10 p.m. That meaning, it is officially nighttime! I forgot to mention that the cafe and gym will be closed during nighttime! That being saiddd, if you try to get in the cafe or gym, you will be toast! Okay then! Sweet dreams! Good night! Let's be excited for another amazing day tomorrow!" The monitor flicked off.

" I guess tomorrow I can introduce myself to the others so we can get to know each other.." you said You just wanted to get your mind off what 'Monokuma' said earlier.

I mean we are in this together after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2018 ⏰

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