Chapter One

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Co-written with Persassy9001

We do not own anything, yadda yadda yadda.


Varian POV

Varian was sprinting as fast as he could. He didn't know where he was going, in fact, he didn't even know where he was at. All he knew was that he got lucky. Rudiger was barely hanging on to his apron, but the animal was smart enough to stay quiet. Suddenly, Varian jerked to the side and into a bush. Silence for a moment, and then the sound of horses filled the small clearing.

"Which way did he go?" Yelled out a man who sounded a bit too young to be in this business.

"I don't know, Conner. Maybe check for tracks." Another replied.

A woman, Cassie, Varian realized, spoke next. "Varian is not stupid. He wouldn't leave any tracks." She paused for a moment, "If you can hear me, Varian, come back. We can promise you a much safer cell. One that won't be so easily left unguarded."

Varian began to panic, and that was not a good thing considering the fact that he still had his hands chained. The boy shifted back and felt something with his hand. Of course! He'd forgotten that he'd stashed an old smoke bomb here. Varian glanced down at it. Yikes! That was really old. He hoped that it wouldn't have any unforeseen impact on what the effects of the bomb might be. He gestured at the small, pink orb with his head and Rudiger, understanding what he meant, went over and smashed it. The cloud it made was just big enough to cover the bush. Varian began to feel really odd, and then he knew, that there was definitely something wrong with his bomb. There was a flash of pink and green, and then everything faded to black.

Marinette POV

When a boy appeared on Marinette's balcony, she was totally unprepared. Like, the only times that happens is when Akuma's are trying to romance her! Standing at the top of the trapdoor, she uneasily looked at the black-haired, mid evilly dressed boy passed out on a chaise lounge. She stepped closer, stopping abruptly when the racoon sitting on the boy's chest hissed at her and nudged the boy's cheek with its snout. Maybe they were friends?

"Hey little guy, I won't hurt him, okay?" Marinette crouched down and made her voice as soft as possible, trying not to scare the racoon. Tentatively, she reached a hand out as a peace offering and grinned as the racoon sniffed her, then licked her hand. Still keeping low, she crept closer to the duo passed out on her chaise lounge, very Chat Noir-like. She grabbed his underarms and dragged him to her bedroom, the racoon following behind. Placing him gently on the floor, Marinette tucked a pillow under his head and a blanket around his shoulders and left to get him something to eat.

Nathanael POV

Nathanael was in deep shit. Deep shit, as in, she may possibly have a tiny crush on her comic book partner, Marc. Marc, with his leaf green eyes, dark hair Nath just longed to run her fingers through, shimmery lip gloss covered, oh so kissable lips- WHAT WAS SHE THINKING? She didn't have a crush on Marc! Nope, no way, no crushes here. Dropping her head not so gently on the kitchen table, she groaned.

"What's wrong now, Drama Queen?" Sabrina looked up from Chloe's homework, raising a sharply arched red eyebrow at her.

"I may have a tiny crush on Marc, my comic book partner, and I don't think he likes me back, and I don't know what to do." Nath peeked at her twin through her bangs, making a face, "If you call Chloe I'll never speak to you again."

"Nath, we share a room, live in the same house, and have all the same classes, so it'll be a little hard not to speak to me again."

Nathanael shoved a V at her and dropped her head back down on the tabletop, grumbling obscenities under her breath. "You're no help."

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