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Ryebread: what would you do if time froze for an entire day for everyone but you

Bren: like

Bren: a whole ass day

Ryebread: no see I said an entire day but really meant only two hours

Bren: ok shut up I'm an idiot

Bren: but honestly

Bren: I'd sit around bored as fuck all day cause there wouldn't be anything to do if no one else was doing shit

Bren: I'd literally just sit on my bed and wait for the day to be over

Ryebread: you say that like you don't do that anyways

Bren: ,,, ok again shut up

Ryebread: wait what if you could have one person who was unfrozen with you

Bren: well that depends on the person  ;)

Ryebread: Anyone But Me

Bren: oh :(

Bren: I don't I guess I'd like

Bren: rob a bank or something

Bren: go to a mall and get those good ass pretzels for free

Ryebread: why wouldn't you do that alone ??

Bren: cause that's boring dummy

Ryebread: oh of course

Ryebread: also what pretzels ??

Bren: bruh

Bren: seriously ??

Ryebread: I haven't been to a mall in a long ass time ok

Bren: I don't remember the name but you're just gonna have to trust me on the fact that they're really good

Bren: they have some bomb ass lemonade too

Bren: I'm gonna take you to the mall and buy you some wait

Bren: get your ass to my house we're going to the mall

Ryebread: get in loser we're going shopping

Bren:  uhmmmm no

Ryebread: oh :(

Y'all I did something to my leg and now it hurts really bad to put any pressure on
Y'all already know I'm not gonna tell anyone that can do something about it tho, I'm just gonna suck it up and feel like I'm dying
It just hurts around my knee and it's hella annoying
It really sucks too cause it's my right leg that hurts and that's the one that gets all the pressure during marching band when we're either planted or at ease so :/
Guess I'll die :/

I have a bio test tomorrow and I'm highkey bouta fail it but whatever I guess
Science has always been my worst subject so it's not surprising whoops
I mean I can't do worse than what one kid in my math class got on her test, a fucking 10/80
The highest class average was a 51, and he's blaming it on the fact that we don't study
Like no sis I can assure you that pretty much everyone studied, I've seen people in my class sitting at their lockers before school with the textbook in their face, in study hall trying to do practice problems, in the cafeteria after school with the damn books, literally in his fucking room trying to get help
and they still did shit
He's just a fucking terrible teacher
God he's my science teacher from last year all over again

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