It took a glace (poem i guess)

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I sat there... Alone
The bus was cramped but I still felt alone,
Nothing beat anymore, it was drowned out by thoughts,
A slight screech sounded,
I counted the kids laughing and smiling, they seemed happy,
One, two, three, four,five,
Then into the lonely bus stepped a red head,
Her boots slid side by said as she walked towards me,
I felt the world stop, time itself was held in place,
Her eyes held mine, she stood by the seat,
"Can I sit here? I need some friends."
She looked at the ground then to me,
I moved my things, praying she was talking to me,
She sat down, she smiled and giggled, she was happy,
We sat in silence, I cherished it all,
Every time she smiled at me a small crack began to form in the shield I hold daily,
If I was gullible I  would say she would stay,
I knew better, the last time was example,
I held my breath every giggle she produced,
Her face, peppered with freckles,
Her eyes, blue as the hydrangeas tucked behind her ear,
Her laugh, so free it flew through the air ringing in my mind,
She was all I wanted, she made me smile,
She talked and I listened,
Her name, Paige,
Her home state, New Hampshire,
She came to Pennsylvania, no one knows why,
She kept talking, her voice was better than any song on my playlist,
To me this was the closest thing to love at first sight,
We got off the yellow bus, she then disappeared,
Gone, she was gone,
She left me clueless and scared,
I knew nothing, having a mental war, being the lone soldier,
Then I felt a tap,
It was her, she asked of my name,
" Nala, it's nothing special but it's a name. "
I heard my name being called,
I turned and waved to the girl that held my heart,
I sprinted down the 6th grade hall, I turned a corner,
There say my best fire and essentially sister, Jade,
She has a smirk on her face, she knew,
I mentally cursed myself as the bell rang,I
I ran to my class, greeted by old faces and welcomed by new ones,
Just like that the day ended,
I sat in the same seat, Paige joined me,
My heart ached, I knew I had dreams to high,
She left just as she came, leaving the seat empty,
I know love at first sight is just a saying,
But it only took a glance for her to have my heart.

A\N: Hey you made it through that, just in case people wonder I will update once a day, if not every other day. The music at the top is music I listen to when I write. I hope you liked it and give me opinions and other things. I'll tell you beautiful peeps when I am not uploading( Tuesdays I'm not writing, forgot to write that). I would love to see you again around these parts of wattpad!

Have a good day/night, Don't die, and GOOD BYE!!!
- Chezcake

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