An interesting Start

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Hello everyone!

I know I have been super inactive lately, but I'm here now with a Stony story!!

I hope you all enjoy and leave positive feed back!

Thanks again

P.S. This story takes place after Civil War and everyone has mostly forgiven each other....Basically as if it never happened but did? I think that makes sense...Also, I'm throwing in some of my other favorite Marvel ships😉

Is rated M for mature incidents and, "Language!"

1794 words

It was roughly about 6 am at the Avengers Facility. Everyone was tucked away in their rooms sleeping or up doing their daily agendas. But one man is, and definitely has been, wide awake for several hours.
He's been living off of black coffee, crackers and no sleep what so ever. It's been like this for him for days, weeks, and now months. He hasn't been very social either or even caring about the outside world; just stayed hidden away in his lab tinkering.
To him, all hope and the will to live feels lost, forgotten, casted away to nothing. He has really no one to share his life with besides the Avengers, but they're his friends. We're talking intimately and someone he hopes to create a family with...His yearned soulmate.....
His past relationship lasted for a very long time and was filled with happiness, excitement, lust, and homage. But it was always filled with the tedious, heart retching, aching feeling of remorse and anguish as well. These are just some examples the man, Tony Stark, and Pepper Potts transmitted back and forth durning their time as lovers.
Their affinity together ended about 6 months ago when Pepper couldn't bare to stay with Tony as all she was going to do is worry if he made it back, alive or not. Him being Iron Man and all its 'glories', seemed to rapture her brain in constant fear, and soon gave an impetus for her to just end it all so they both could nullify their suffering-well at least Peppers.
Tony, honest to God, loved that woman like no other. She was one where it wasn't just a one night stand or person he would keep hooking up with for sex. He saw a future, but she didn't.
It was a hard break up for the billionaire and left him feeling completely in despair, that nothing could bring up his spirits. And, sadly it sent him into a languid state of depression. Where even Bruce had to literally force the guy to eat, bathe, drink, and at first, also snuck depression meds into bowls of broth he made for his friend in several attempts to get him better. Tony, being the stubborn and intelligent man he is, figured him out and soon put an end to that.
Now, Tony just munches on crackers and sometimes will take in small quantities of different protein sources. All while engrossing himself with meaningless projects in his lab too. But, Tony still battles his depression with team mates hovering over his shoulders while they watch his every move to make sure he just doesn't drop dead.


At this very moment, Bruce was doing just that. It being now 6:30 am in Tony Stark's lab.

"Tony, you can't just keep living like this." Bruce finally spoke up as he was 'working' on something with Tony, but it was mostly him just watching how pathetic Tony seemed at the moment.

Tony glanced up at his lab partner with tired eyes and a chided expression on his face. "Yeah? Watch me." He retorts slightly snappy, rolling his eyes and clearly not in the mood for sympathy.

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