Chapter 2 - The clash😬😬

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              Kat's P.O.V

Why does things like this happen to me? I just wanna have a good time,and here I am, getting fucking arrested. " STOP fucking touching me", I say to the cop who keeps touching my back.

"If you want a feel,just ask",I say
and smirk at him."Be quiet!",he says.They take me to the front desk and make me fill in some paperwork.I look around the station while the officers try to make sense of my messy handwriting on the paperwork.

I turn around to take a look at the notice board and that's when I caught him staring at me."Why
the fuck are you staring at me boy?Never saw a hot chick in your life?",I screamed at him.
His cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

He yelled back,"Hey! You better mind your language!" "Better mind your own fucking business then pal", I reply when a female officer approaches him with another guy who looks like he's gonna pass out anytime.

"Young man,you better not be caught again with drugs in your system or on you for the matter.
Otherwise we will be forced to take action against you.Have a good night,the both of you."

"We will,Mam.Thank you",the wierdo says as he takes the guy's arm and leads him out of the station."Thank God you're fucking off now! I hope I'll never see your face again!",I scream as the officers push me into the cell.

I look at him one last time,his
flushed face etching itself in my memory before he turns and walks away.

P.S sorry for the short chapters...will try to make em longer😊..also thanx for reading! This is like my first fanfic so sorry if there's any errors!!

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