doldrums and desperation

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Maybe I'm blind
Maybe it's just not my destiny
Unless I'm just not
And you weren't meant for me
When I search all the orbs
Of green brown and blue
None of them seem
To be those of you
I've been searching and searching
To no such avail
I just cannot find you
Not a letter in mail
My whole life I have looked
But I did not see you
I write out my characters
I want them to be you
To hug me fiercly
To hold my hand
To be my shelter
Take me to another land
Another world only known by us
I don't care- I just want you
It's my only wish
I don't know how to find you
But it's written on the pages
For your eyes to see
It's all over the books
I just need you to be
There for me
But you aren't- not yet
Not now
But you will- I bet
I hope
I wish
It's my dying wish
It's all I ask
It's all I want
It's all I pray
So just grant it
For me, today

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