names i like + aesthetics ✨

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I like a lottTT of names, some of which r super weird and/or uncommon, this is just a short list of some. Be it for characters in stories or like future pets or just pretty names, here's some I've been thinking about recently with my aESThETic for em, a lil pointless but hey i mean, it's nice to put your lists and thoughts out there even if no one is really reading them x


Florence - a have a knife called Florence Knifeingale ahahah also it's just a beautiful name, Italy and all
Roses, old knives, flowy dresses, running away from the dancefloor, tarot cards, black cats, farms at night, vintage books, piano and singing, climbing trees at twilight, twisted fairytales

Oliver/Olive -  vErY preTtY, i love olives and my friend Oliver
Girls who can fly, turtleneck sweaters, frogs and tea, pretty graveyards, cute spiders, dancing on rooftops, worn out dark green converse, doodles in leather back notebooks (but it's a vintage notebook so it's not killing animal boys recently), milk boxes, chipped black nail polish

Frankie - one of my favorite bands is Frankie Cosmos, so there's some association and relation, also my distant friend's twin sister is a photographer and is called Frankie uwu
Pastel colored electric guitars, scented candles, lemonade on hot days, pretty cafes, piers at sunset, friends cutting each other's hair, polaroids, faded mom jeans, empty soda cans, the feeling you get when you're with  friends that you love a lot and it's like home

Theodosia - I'm afraid this one is heavily influenced by Hamilton (oops) haha. Theodosia is the name of Aaron Burr's wife and his daughter, I haven't looked into the the meaning or anything, my mom says there's some mythological whatever, i love the sound of the name and also the name Theodore and it's basically a typically 'female' version of said name
Used books in an old library, spotlights in theatres, driving on the highway at sunrise, swimming with friends at beaches with pebbles, worn and torn boots, getting really good grades, greek mythology, writing on walls, renaissance paintings and art museums, sunburn and freckles, cinnamon and honey, calligraphy pens, letters, vintage perfume

Hector - bare with me: imagine you've got a fat lil piggo/puggo (a pig or a pug) and they're sitting by candles or pretty yellow lights in the surrounding darkness, they've got a look on their face that shows wisdom beyond the brain capacity of a pig or a pug. The piggo/puggo's name is Hector. He turns to you. He looks into your eyes and you see the truth in his.
I'm a visionary???? Hector is a cool name.

Genie - I met a very pretty girl from India on the beach and her name was Genie, she knew card tricks
Purple and gold, ear piercings, smiles of hope, running through fields, blushes, Spanish guitars, building sandcastles, drawing mandalas, lying down in the middle of know where and cloud watching, dark and honey eyes, little pretty tattos, holding hands, camping outside, card tricks (of course)

Bear - A family friend i hardly ever see has a tattoo of the word 'BEAR' on his upper arm, pretty small and simplistic, really pretty. Bear was the name of his childhood (to late teen years) cat who passed away. We both love animals and have a huge particular space in our hearts for them, I love the name Bear. The boy's name is Sam, he's 19 and a photographer. Lovely guy.
The comfiest couches, waking up early to watch cartoons before school, homework while it rains outside, long hair, forests, fireplaces, warm porridge in the evening, smiles in the candlelight, running through trees holding hands, Narnia books, fantasy, dragons, wild animals, hugs, cuddly dogs, fluffy cats, The Neverending Story (movie), roasting marshmallows

Marceline - I don't know where to begin ohmyohwoah. Marceline is the name of one of my favorite characters (Marceline the vampire queen) from my favorite show of all time (Adventure Time) which was eight years of my childhood and was the most beautiful and influencial show to me as I grew up with it. It ended a few weeks ago and im incredibly damaged and greiving but that's besides the point. I love the name Marceline and plan to name my guitar that :'))

rainy days out in the treehouse, battling monsters in dreams, electric guitars, long hair, writing songs, loVe, biG GAY, vampires, rebellious smiles, adventures, fight night, deep conversations, laughs under covers, the dark being comforting and not scary, tattoos, motorcycles, REDREDRED and bLACK, old doc marten blacks, books and movies, fascination, the kinda strength that you can see in eyes of people who know what it's like, umbrellas, floating around


and thus concludes the list so far,I'll definitely add at some point, thanks for reading this far , I love uUUUuU hahahah


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