Chapter Four - Parks & Naps

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I was sat down in front of my locker, reading a book when a pair of heels stopped in front of me, I looked up, seeing London's face, a glare set on it. I stood up, dusting myself off and put away my book, "What?"

"Stay away from Ace. He's mine, I don't want a pest near him."

I cocked my head to the side, "Then why do you go near him?"

She gasped and her glare returned, but after a second it was replaced with a smirk, "Is Jason dead yet? Gosh, he was so annoying, so clingy."

The blood boiled in my veins, anger surged over me, my voice was deadly low and cold, "How dare you."

Her smirk widened, "Yeah, I mean, he was so ugly, his blue hair, my gosh, what a fucking idiot."

Her head flew back when my fist connected with her nose. A scream erupted from her mouth as she held her nose, blood seeping through her fingers. I stepped forward as she stepped back, "I warned you not to fuck with me, didn't I? I can handle you being rude about me, I don't care about that, but when you're talking about people I care about a lot, that pisses me off, and we both know how bad it can get when I'm really pissed."

She had a glare on her face and spun on her heels and walked away. I felt a slap on my back and saw Justin, Mason and Ace standing by me. I hadn't even realised they were there.  Ace had an emotionless face, while Justin was grinning and Mason was smirking. "Good job, Jay!" Justin's grin widened slightly.

I chuckled, my cheeks getting hot. I scratched the back of my neck, "You weren't meant to see that."

Ace scoffed, "I knew you were fake. No one is that nice."

My eyes widened at his words as Mason and Justin looked at him in shock. Mason frowned, "What the Hell, dude?"

He shrugged, "It's true, she's fake."

He's not exactly wrong. Your smile is fake. Your happiness is fake. You just pretend.

I stared at him for a minute in silence as he stared back, until I sighed and turned around. I felt someone grab my wrist and a slight burning sensation shot up my arm. I snatched my arm out of their grip and rubbed my wrist as i looked at him. Justin had a frown on his face, "Ace is just a dick."

I glanced at Ace and saw his eyes focused on my hand rubbing my wrist. I slightly tugged down the sleeves and stuffed my hands in my pockets. I shrugged, "I don't care. He can think what he wants. I've heard it all before."

Mason glared slightly, "Who insulted you? I'll punch them in the face."

I looked down and let out a weak chuckle, "You can't hurt them."

His eyes narrowed, "Why not?"

Because I've said it to myself.


I left the school building when I felt a hand ruffle my hair. I looked up and saw Jax smiling down at me. I grinned at him as he gave me a quick hug, "You want to go to the park?"

I considered the thought for a minute and nodded at him, smiling, "Sure."

He grinned at me, "Okay, let me get my guitar from the car and we'll walk."

I nodded at him and went to wait at the gates. I arrived there and leaned against the wall when I saw Ace coming towards me. He stopped in front of me so I gave him a small smile, but he just stared at me blankly. I looked around after a minute then spoke up after clearing my throat, "You need something?"

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