Day 1: The Apocalypse

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It was like any other day in the halls after 2nd period. Kids were flooding into classrooms, shouting nasty things and pushing others. I was there to watch everything unfold. The chaos, the destruction, the anger. Third period would never be the same again.

I sat down at my usual seat, unpacking my stuff and setting my math binder on the desk. That's when Athena whipped around with a microphone in her hand, her hair braided into a bun resting on the top of her head. I looked at her with a puzzled expression on my face. 

"What're you wearing?"

"It doesn't matter." She answered in a rush. Her eyes were wildly glancing all around. As I followed her gazes to the other students, I saw many other people with the same setup. They were all wearing news anchor outfits and all had microphones, except for Pedro, who logged a big camera on his shoulder.

"What...what the hell is going on?" I asked, my eyes still training on the students who were in a frenzy to apply makeup and tune microphones.

"It's this whole thing with Mr. Ruehman," Athena sputtered. "We're covering him on a story. Here, put on this business jacket!" Athena threw a brown jacket at me with pointed sleeves. I shrugged it on, still confused but playing along anyways. 

Bella walked in, guys surrounding her and dusting off her jacket and dress. Nick was reapplying Bella's makeup while she stood in a graceful pose next to her desk. She glanced at her watch and hollered over the class. 

"We got five minutes 'till the bell rings! Places, places!"  

Students stood up at her command, rushing to the door and looking over each other's shoulders for a better look outside. Bella stood behind it all, watching them with intense eyes. Nick was now applying her scarlet lipstick, concentrating hard on fitting her lip shape.

"What is all of this?"

"Look, sweetie, there's something new on the grapevine. Ruehman over there," (she pointed at the door with her thumb) "has an evil twin brother. That explains his behavior on Monday." 

She pulled her sleeves farther down her arms. I stared at her, my jaw dropping. Was she serious?

"So why are we all...y'know....dressed like this?"

Bella raised an eyebrow. "You seriously aren't informed on this? I thought you were all up on the tea, Luisa!" She scoffed and picked a hair from my jacket.

"We're the new News Club. Our first subject...James Ruehman." Nick chimed in, stuffing the makeup in a bag and throwing it across the room. "You and Bella are our coordinators, Pedro's the cameraman, Athena's our head reporter, and Allie..." He trailed off, clearing his throat and looking to the side.

"Allie what?"

"She's the distractor...."

"WHADDUP, BITCHES?!" A sassy voice rang through the class. The kids parted like the Red Sea, revealing Allie in high heels and....revealing clothing.

"Why do y'all need her?" I asked, my voice coming out in a whisper.

"We need her in case chaos breaks loose. She distracts the subject from escaping." Bella replied. 

Allie blew a kiss at me, which only made me even more confused. Bella groaned and clapped her hands.

"BACK INTO YOUR PLACES! Ruehman should be here any sec-"

"What's going on? Get to your seats!" Mr. Ruehman shouted above Bella, his voice sounding like the only normal thing in the entire world. The class burst into excited chatter and microphones were raised at Mr. Ruehman. Pedro filmed all of it in the middle of the crowd, trying hard to keep his balance while the "reporters" pushed at him. 

"Mr. Ruehman, Mr. Ruehman! Is it true about your evil twin brother?" I heard Addie say.

"Was he here on Monday? Would you really treat us like that?" 

"Did you and Mrs. Gigantino do it in the locker room?"

I stood there, eyes wide and jaw dropped. Everything was happening so fast...I could hardly hear the bell ring through the frenzy. 

"No, no! What're you guys talking about?!" Mr. Ruehman shouted. He elbowed his way through the students, trying to move to his desk. We followed him like a school of fish. Bella and I were pushed right against his desk. She had her hands on her hips, giving a nasty look at Mr. Ruehman. He sat down, pretending like nothing was happening. 

"So you do have an evil twin?" Nick asked, grabbing a microphone from Yazeed and pushing it towards the subject.

"No! I never said anything!"

"We want answers, James, answers!" Bella yelled, slamming her hand onto the desk. She pulled a slip of paper from the inside of her jacket, giving it to me. I pocketed it quickly, not wanting to be left behind on the current situation.

"You're all acting like annoying adults! Sit down or I'm putting you all in ISS!"

I cleared my throat, deciding to join in. "We will do anything to find out what's going on with you, Ruehman. We'll keep asking questions until all you can hear is our voices." 

I could see proud faces from the corner of my eye, but I didn't bother to look back. I glared at Mr. Ruehman as if I were trying to burn a hole in his head with laser vision. He tensed up, grabbing his pen with a white knuckle. 

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" He yelled. He raised his pen, stabbing the first kid he could find in the arm. I heard Juliana scream in pain, running out of the room. He pushed the desk towards up, throwing us all back and causing me to fall flat on my back. He pushed past the crowd and ran to the door, skidding out into the hallway. 

Mrs. Gigantino was in the hall, asking Mrs. Nair about something. She caught Mr. Ruehman and looked at him, surprised. The crowd and I followed him, circling back around him, almost tackling him. People even started to tug at his clothes. 

"THEY FOUND OUT, GAIL!" He yelled, running towards her and grabbing her by the arm. His heavy and quick footsteps rang through the hall, being followed by millions of tiny, less heavier footsteps. Teachers and students began to peek out of their classrooms to see what was happening. 

"PIN HIM DOWN!" Athena yelled, Pedro following her with his camera. The footage was probably shaky as hell by now. 

We bolted after our subject, but before we could reach the doors to the front lobby, he shut the door behind him. Mrs. Gigantino dug into her pocket and locked the doors before we could get to them. We slapped against the door, falling and yelling in anger. They locked every door; the cafeteria door, the principal's door, and the media center door. We watched them run out of the school. 

"Damn it, we lost them!" Bella muttered, stomping her foot on the floor and running her hand through her hair. 

"We're locked in. We're locked in!" I yelled, slowly realizing what was going on after fogs of confusion cleared above my head. 

And yet I still don't understand why this happened....why we created an apocalypse.