Chapter 6

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Looking at the eerie window, I hesitantly ask, "What are we looking for?"

"Hang on, one'll come along soon enough."

After several minutes of staring at complete darkness on the other side, the view changes. Glimmers of a supernatural-looking light shine through onto me; it casts a spectrum of color on my chest and face, making me look as if I'm next to a swimming pool.

"Out there is the Maze," Newt states quietly. "Everything we do- our whole life Greenie- revolves around that maze. I want to show ya why you're not to go out there and what happens within those buggin' walls every night."

I lean forward and peer through the window and despite looking for less than a minute, the sight makes me sick. A large, bulbous, robot-like creature larger than a cow, twists along the outer corridor. I notice sharp objects as appendages that seem to be craving human flesh. I turn away, clutching my stomach in both disgust and terror while thinking only two things. Don't throw up, and don't embarrass yourself. Don't throw up and embarrass yourself Eliza, Newt'll think you're weak and weird. You don't want that, do you?

"What is that thing?" I eventually manage to choke out.

"Grievers is what we call them," the boy frowns. "Nasty bugger eh? Just be glad they only come out at night and that these walls exist."

Just thinking about these horrendous things makes me feel sorry for the people who go and run out in the Maze.

"Now that you know what lurks out there my friend, you know this is no joke. You've been sent here to the Glade, Greenie, and we'll be expectin' ya to survive and help us do what we've been sent here to do."

"And what's that?" I ask, despite my gut telling me that I don't want an answer.

"Find our way out Greenie. Solve the buggin' Maze and find our way home."


It's been a couple hours and the doors are opening for the day, rumbling and grumbling as they shake the ground. I sit at a worn down picnic table, thinking about the Grivers and what their purpose could possibly be; what they do out in the Maze at night and what it would be like to get attacked by something so terrible.

A tap on my shoulder jolts me from my thoughts; I look up and see Alby standing over me with his arms folded.

"Ain't you lookin' fresh? You get a nice view out the window this morning?" Alby questions, "The Tour begins now, whether you like it or not Greenie."


A/N: Hello y'all! I would greatly appreciate any feedback you may have or any ideas/ suggestions, but comments would be great too ;) Let me know your opinions.

Xx Blake

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