Chapter4: BOO!!!

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In the morning

Bip Bip Bip

I take my alarm clock and throw it at the ground. It shattered all over the floor. Great now I have to buy a new one. I turn towards my nightstand. I take my phone and go straight to message, to see if what I saw yesterday was just a dream.

From Unknow: Hey Mads its Ashton, you have a fight tomorrow if you want to. Text me your answer before Friday 19:30 and if you don't well, I will come say hi and leave you alone.

Omg! Is he serious? He really wants me to fight after I almost got kidnapped. Well, even if I say no he is going to come and say hi so... Omg I will get to see Ash again!!! Pause so you are probably wondering who the hell is Ash and why am I so exited to see him. So Ash is my old best friend slash manager for street fighting. He is super nice and he is 20 years old. He is like a brother to me. Also I haven't seen him in the past year.

I should text him, but do I want to get back into street fighting again. I mean I do miss Ash, hanging out with him, going to fights, going back to his house, ordering pizza and watching movies.

Anyway, he said that I had to text him before Friday at 19:30 witch is today. I will text him later today. For now I need to get ready for school.

I walked down stairs to eat some cereals while watching Netflix in the living room. Once I was finished eating, I go up the stairs to my wardrobe and chose to wear a fall outfit since it's getting colder.I even heard on the news that there was snow somewhere in California.

I even heard on the news that there was snow somewhere in California

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(Madison's outfit)

After getting dressed I got a text from Camila saying she couldn't go to school because she was sick. I answer her with a simple "Okay I hope you get better" then closed my phone. I walk towards the front door, but immediately run back to my bedroom. I almost forgot my guitar. After the death of my mother, i found it in the attic. I remember that my mom used to play it to me all the time when I was younger.

 I remember that my mom used to play it to me all the time when I was younger

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(Madison's guitar)

Once I get outside I locked the door and walked towards my car. I started the engine and headed off to school.

At school

I parked my car and walked to my lockers. I put in my combination and take out my Music binder, my pencils not bforgetting my guitar.

But I still needed a book for second period, since I finished the other one for English class. Since the library is close between the periods I have to go now.

I walk towards the library and look through all the bookshelf until I found the perfect book "Forever your mate"  the book is about werewolves and mytical creatures. I went to the desk to register the book. I then started walking towards music class.

But sadly I walked into a big strong must I say hot wall.

"Hey cupcake!" The wall said.
"Hey big wall" I answer while laughing.

"No fair, you weren't looking where you were going." Justin answered (AN: If you don't know yet who the wall is it's Justin)

Me and Justin talked for awhile before the bell rang signaling the first period. We made our way towards music class. Simply because he has like all the same classes as me. Yeah!! Please note the sarcasm...

Anyway once we got to class I took my seet at the back and Justin sat beside me. The teacher started to explane the new projet.

"You will be writting a song or just a music with no lyrics in teams of two. I expect you to have finished with your songs by next month. I hope that it will give you more than enough time to complet the assignment." Explained the teacher.

As soon as the teacher stopedtalkingi feel a light tap on my shoulder. I turn to see where it's coming from and i found a smiling Justin staring at me.

"So... do you want to do the project with me?"questionned Justin.

"Of cours, I would love too" I replied

"My house our yours?"

That made me think that no one can come to my house since they will ask where my parents are amd I can not answer that question without mensionning me being a street fighter. My answer was very simple and I couldn't answer anyting else but...

"How about your house my house is always messy"

"Yeah sure sounds good"

And like that I got away with lying. We planned to meet at his house on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. We also agreed to make a music and if we have time add some lyrics.

~~~~~~ At the end of school

I said to Justin that i couln't work on the project tonight since I had work and it isin't a lie since I dop actually have a shift tonight. I get in my lambo and start the engine also turning on the radio. I sing along to the songs all the way home.

Once I get home, I stop the engine and walk to the front door and realise that its half open. I take a small peek and see a familiar looking face sitting in the couch. I walk calmly to the couch where the intruder is and...

"BOO!!!" I sceamed at the top of my lung.


Finaly a new chapter at last. I am so sorry I didn't publish earlier its simply because I had a LOT of home work and with all the exam, I just didn't have enough time.

Again I am so so so sorry. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Lots of love and keep safe,

your favorite author.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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