Perfume Dies

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So like this one chick A-Chan wanted to go out and eat with her two bitches B-Kashiyuka and C-Nocchi. Nocchi wanted to get McDonald's but Kashiyuka wanted Starbucks and A-Chan said, "Uggghhh both of you suck ass I meant a cool place not those lame places gosh." Nocchi got really offended and said, "Ur a fuckin bitch," because she loves that gud stuff. Kashiyuka started crying because she likes coffee and didn't see what was wrong. A-Chan looked on Yahoo to find some nearby resturants and found this one place that was shady. The other two girls were too mad/sad to comment. They ended up going there. So then they went and the creepy people who worked there were all over the girls because they didn't have customers in so long. Kashiyuka tried to stay optimistic tho and ordered the entire menu. Perfume is famous (at least in Japan) so I guess they have the money to do that. The stupid chef was pressured so he was trying too hard to make the food as pretty as possible so he put flowers n shit all over the food. This was a bad idea because the girls got food poisoning and died. Just saying if A-Chan used Google they would have found a better resturant and not died. Ok bye

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2018 ⏰

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